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please check my essay ,a score given is better

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:55 am
by FLS101
Do the negative effects of watching TV outweigh the positive effects?

A much debated issue these days is whether the advantages of watching TV exceed the drawbacks. Some people believe that a positive is dominance of the activity, while other people held the opposite is true. After a thorough consideration, I am in support of the later.

One of the main point is some of the program tend to mislead audience .For one thing loads of violence and blood scenes flood the TV program, which is harmful for teenagers physical and psychological health. what’ s worse, some adolescents, lack of the capability of distinguishing between truth and falsehood, incline to imitate such bad behavior, resulting unthinkable consequences. For another some biased coverage of current affairs, exaggerated by the press, cause severe stress to people. It seems that there are eternal wars, miserable disasters, terrorist organizations and the like, making people believe they are informed. Once somewhere happen gun killing, people tend to label the place unsafe. As matter of fact, such striking news is the primary source of the media. They only present the outcome instead of analyzing the reasons behind grave affairs. I don’t think it benefit public to make an objective assessment about the events.

Another reason is that watching TV has negative effect on social relationship and physical health. To put it another way, spending too much time watching TV develop a habit of a sedentary life style, which precede a various sickness, afflicting an increasing number of people. Furthermore, when they immerse themselves in TV program, little time have they communicate with their family members and friends, weakening family bonds.

There is no denying that watching TV is a good way entertaining and releasing our stress. But I suppose there are alternatives to deal with our pressure and tension. For instance, doing outdoor games or having an expedition is not only close to nature but also refreshed people.

In conclusion, watching TV has some advantages but the disadvantage are more notable. Thus it is brilliant to watch TV as less as possible.