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Real exam essay on increased crime rate , please mark it.

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 5:43 pm
by Tina
Q Do you think society is responsible for increase in rate of crime ?

What do you think are the reasons for increased crime and what measures can be taken to reduce crime ?

The increase in the crime rate raises many concerns regarding its causation. As far as, society is concerned, there are multiple social factors that lead to escalation of crime. This essay will discuss different social reasons like poverty and gender inequalities for increase in crime rate and different measures that can be adopted to minimise it.

Firstly, Poverty is one of the most significant factors responsible for an upward trend in criminal activities . Poverty leads to low educational uptake, social inequalities, poor health, malnutrition and deprived society. Such difficult circumstances often encourage the poor people to indulge in inappropriate activities in order to achieve basic human rights .Take an example of a country like India, where there is an apparent increase in crime rate due to poverty. The government needs to check this situation and should be responsible for providing basic health and educational facilities, at least for the people who are below poverty line .

Secondly, Gender inequality in the society contributes a lot towards criminal activities . The societies, where females are considered as weaker sex faces more incidents of crime against women. Take an example of India again, cases of female molestation is not very uncommon. The various actions that can be taken in order to minimise such incidents are to improve our social security system. There should be provision of 24 hours help line facilities for women. The court should assign strict punishments to the culprit.

To sum up, it is a high time to recognise the factors responsible for increase in criminal activities and need to adopt an integrated approach at an individual, political and government level in order to reduce crime rate.

Re: Real exam essay on increased crime rate , please mark it

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 1:12 am
by crissy80
Hi tina,

Here are some of the errors I noticed:

The increase in the crime rate - the increase in crime rate. "no need to use the in crime rate"

gender inequalities - gender inequality (for i think you are just describing one thing, which is inequality among sexes.

poverty and gender inequalities for increase - i think (for) is inappropriately used. my suggestion, " This essay will discuss different social reasons, like poverty and gender inequality, that are believed to increase crime rate. In addition, different measures that can be adopted to minimize this problem will be provided." - I don't think this is the best way to rephrase your sentence but this is the best I can think of now. There are a few more sentences here that I believe were a bit poorly constructed.

- i also don't think you need to capitalize poverty and gender.

Firstly, Poverty is" one of the most" significant" factors "responsible - since you said one of the most, you should have used factor instead of "factors"

i don't think you used variety of sentence structures as well.

Hope this helps a little.