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Post by robdrake »

My apologies I haven't been here lately, it's been awhile!

Alas, I would like to preface that taking IELTS has mentally impoverished me. I plunged into depression, each time I received my failed results, it severed my self-esteem. It was something that if I do not get the score I needed, it would mean I will lose all my future creative prospects that I have build, and render all my past 5++ years in Australia into something meaningless. I am required to reach band 7 and, after 8th attempt [ or more? ] I finally reached it.

Listening - 9
Reading - 9
Writing - 7
Speaking -8

I am compelled to say I am an abstract thinker, so sitting IELTS has been a big challenge for me, as IELTS seemingly designated to be concrete. My friend, whom was an English teacher suggested me maybe simplicity is the key.

So for this test, I tried not too delve too deeply into emotions and not to carry farfetched ideas. Be precise. Time is after all the biggest constrain.

I am so stoked it's all over now. Some people might feel 7 is an easy score but I am extremely content, maybe I am just lucky. But it is a score that has sealed my fate. I am not asking for more.

Finally, I would like to relay all the encouragement I have received, to all aspiring IELTS candidates here. Do not give up, you are only defeated when you stop trying. Even if you do stop trying, the world will not end either, it will be just different opportunities.

All the best and go conquer it confidently.

Last edited by robdrake on Fri Mar 28, 2014 11:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Alas!

Post by Ryan »

Hi Rob,

Congratulations! All of your blood, sweat and tears have paid off. I'm sorry to hear that this final victory has been coupled with total mental anguish, but it must be comforting to know you never have to sit in that unforgiving exam room again. ;)

Besides celebrating, what is next on life's list for you?

Thanks very much for sharing your experience. All the best with your future, non-IELTS related endeavours! :D
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Re: Alas!

Post by robdrake »

Dear Ryan.

Thank you so much for setting up this community.

I am still humbled by the results which I have fought so restlessly. I, for one wishes that no one should go through the agony I went through. However I am the odd one, it is clear I am terrible at sitting exams. I am sure most people, with enough preparation can overcome IELTS easily :)

Post IELTs, my worries has subsided, besides pursuing my creative endeavour, I can now channel my focus in helping the marginalised community. Sounds cliche but it is something I am actually quite passionate about. In fact, I am an active sponsor in ChildFund. I will be traveling and will try my best to help them out.

And thank you so much for having me here. I hope I will not disappear completely. I am indebted for achieving the score, and will continue to contribute to the community
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Re: Alas!

Post by OnlineEnglishTeacher »

I would like to preface that taking IELTS has mentally impoverished me. I plunged into depression, each time I received my failed results, it severed my self-esteem.
I have had a similar experience with some Skype IELTS students: positivity is important - congratulations.
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Re: Alas!

Post by academic »

Congratulations Rob!! Now that you redeemed yourself I am sure you'll find your lost confidence. :D
Hopefully I will be in your shoes soon!! :)

All the best,
2-failed attempts(so far) :!:
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Re: Alas!

Post by Chi »

Hi Rob,

I am really glad you achieved your targeted score. Congrats! It's such a relief. Have you lodged in your EOI? The procedure is quite straight forward, but if you have any questions, as I am few steps ahead of you, I am more than happy if I can help somehow.

What do you do for Childfund other than monetary donation? I have similar interest in helping out with children. My friends and I have been raising fund for the Royal Children Hospital every Good Friday in the last few years.

All the best to your future endeavors!

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Re: Alas!

Post by robdrake »

Thanks for the well wishes.

When my friends asked me - how is it like now that the burden has been lifted.

This clip juxtapose my feelings

Hi Chi, band 7 is all I need to grant me PR now. My PR application is a little more different because when I lodged my application, it was still in old system. Have you heard of "Berenguel Case"? ... elts-case/

However, I am unable to discuss in-depth about this matter as I am not a registered migration lawyer. My lawyer is also glad that I got this result.

As for ChildFund, apart being sponsor of a children, they do occasionally organized trips > which something I would like to do. Also forgot to mention that my housemate runs Clowns without Border (AU). >, something I would like to use this freed energy to help her out with some of her upcoming projects.


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Re: Alas!

Post by Chi »

Hi Rob,

I never heard of the case Berenguel before. I am glad the reversal of the ruling arisen due to this case does not affect you. I hope you will get your PR soon. And good luck (again) with your future plans :)


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Re: Alas!

Post by Ryan »

robdrake wrote:
This clip juxtapose my feelings
This is brilliant! :lol:
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Re: Alas!

Post by mhingz »

Finally, I would like to relay all the encouragement I have received, to all aspiring IELTS candidates here. Do not give up, you are only defeated when you stop trying. Even if you do stop trying, the world will not end either, it will be just different opportunities.

All the best and go conquer it confidently
congrats Rob! you are an inspiration!
04/10/2010 - Listening 7.0, Reading 5.5, Writing 6.5, Speaking 7.0
10/26/2013 - Listening 6.0, Reading 5.0, Writing 6.5, Speaking 7.5
10/05/2014 - Listening 7.5, Reading 7.0, Writing 7.0, Speaking 7.5
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Re: Alas!

Post by robdrake »

Thanks guys!

Thought to share another news. [ especially those who are migrating to Australia.]

My Australian Permanent Residency visa got granted yesterday! Now I am ready to explore the world!
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Re: Alas!

Post by Chi »

robdrake wrote:Thanks guys!

Thought to share another news. [ especially those who are migrating to Australia.]

My Australian Permanent Residency visa got granted yesterday! Now I am ready to explore the world!

Hey, congrats!

I know that people who apply under the old rules get processed really quick once they satisfy the conditions.

Good on ya, and good luck with your future (Sounds like you can't wait any longer already) :lol:
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Re: Alas!

Post by Ryan »

robdrake wrote:Thanks guys!

Thought to share another news. [ especially those who are migrating to Australia.]

My Australian Permanent Residency visa got granted yesterday! Now I am ready to explore the world!
Congrats, robdrake!

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