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writing task 1 .please grade it out of 9 bands

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 2:29 pm
by wajidnaeem
The three pie charts below show the changes in annual spending by a particular UK school in 1981, 1991 and 2001.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The pie charts compares the amount of money spent by a special school in UK over the period of three different years including 1981,1991 and 2001. Overall ,it can be seen that majority of the funding was spent on teachers’ salaries and least amount was used for insurance purposes.
In term of teachers salaries , huge sum of money was given away as teachers salaries in the initial year with 40 % ,which increased by 10 % in 1991 and the funding dropped to 45 % in 2001 . Other workers Salaries made up to 28 % in the starting year which decreased to two-fifth of total payout in 1991 and it again dropped to 15 % in the last year. Books , furniture and other accessories only accounted for 15 % in the first year and the funding rose up to 20 % for books In 1991 while a decline was seen In furniture and equipments with 5 % in the same year.Resources such as books spending declined to less than 10 % In 2001 whereas the trend For classroom furniture and equipment showed a significant rise of almost 10 % by reaching up to a quarter of total spending in 2001 .
Minimum amount of money was given for insurance purposes with only 2 % in the start And with only 1 % incline in next year , the trend stopped at almost 10 % in 2001.

Re: writing task 1 .please grade it out of 9 bands

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 2:27 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner

Well, I have just marked a T2 written by you where the grammar was of a very high standard and now I'm reading this and wondering where the mistakes are coming from!?

I doubt that most teachers would consider their salary to be 'given away' by the school they work for!! Other vocabulary is also used incorrectly - incline (increase), special (particular), huge (unknown - the data shows percentages, not amounts).

You have answered the task at a minimum level. You describe and summarise the data very simply.

Overall, quite good, but vocabulary and grammar mistakes hold the score down.

All the best,