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Essay on School-Leavers. Please grade (GT)

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 3:06 am
by prathap
some people feel that school-leavers should start working right after the school, some argue that school-leavers should attend university before they start work. Discuss on both and give your opinion.

Taking a year off between high school and university has become a popular option among many young students. Some individuals think that students should to go university directly without wasting time. To my mind, doing a job for an year before entering into professional courses could bring many learning's to the students.

To begin with, most of the students main goal is to get first job as early as possible. So that they can put starting step to build their beautiful future. Spending an year to work between studies could led to disturb their mind and may loose interest in academics. For instance, some students who are earning money are not showing interest on further studies because they think's that they are earning without having a university qualification. Moreover, a year is a very long time. So they may be sidetracked from discipline , concentration they had when they are in a formal academic study.

However, there are huge number of benefits for school-leavers who wish to work or volunteer. Firstly, students will get a chance to taste the workplaces which might help them to decide possible career interest. For example, in my part of world, many students are choosing professional subjects with out having much idea on what exactly it is. As a result, after completing an year or two at university level, either they are dropping off their studies or switching to some other subjects. Secondly,the experience or knowledge that they have gained while working will definitely helps them to build a strong resume which in fact places them in a better job.

To sum up, spending some time to gain practical experience before entering into graduation studies will help youngsters to choose a perfect career. But they should be cautious that their mind should not be diluted or sidetracked.

Re: Essay on School-Leavers. Please grade (GT)

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 6:51 am
by abi
Some people feel that school-leavers should start working right after the school, some argue that school-leavers should attend university before they start work. Discuss on both and give your opinion.

People have different views about what is the right time to start work. Many think that in order to have more successful life, right time to start work would be after finishing school. However, others refute this idea. I believe that continue studying provides better opportunities in order to have a successful life. Both these views will be analyzed in detail.

On the one hand, it is true that when we finish school we feel very excited about this achievement and this feeling develop a sense of maturity in fresh graduates. First thing which comes in many people mind is to earn money. They believe starting a professional career at this stage helps to achieve future career targets they have already planned in their life. For instance, buying a car, house or even getting married and starting up a new family. All these objectives make them so strong from the fear of delay that can impact negatively and keep away from their future success. As a result after having school certificate they start their career and earn money without continuing further studies. Undoubtedly, this early start of career keeps them positive towards their motive.

However, I and many others do not agree with the above mentioned perception and there are many reasons for this. Firstly, large organization requires candidates to have a university level degree in order to apply for any position in their organization. Thus, it is a must to continue studying after school to have more opportunities to get a job in big companies such as Microsoft, Yahoo. Secondly, studying at university does not only enhance the knowledge but in most learning institutes it gives chances to students to spend some time as internship in professional organization. Working in this way not only familiarizes them with the professional working environment but also enable their chances to continue their job after finishing higher university certificate. Finally, some professions require master level degree, such as Doctor, engineering or becoming a scientist.

In conclusion, as mentioned above, both views have their reasons but I completely believe that higher education enables more opportunities to have a successful life and give chances to be part of better organization as contrast to those who just have a school certificate. I think in future people will be more focus in education rather to jump in to working condition right after finishing school.

Kindly grade this essay it is longer then required words mark, but i want to know my mistake in order understand and try to fix that area. Thanks - Abi