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could you please correct my essay. thanks in advance

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 8:45 am
Today, the high sale of popular good reflect the power of advertising and not the real needs of the society in which they are sold.
To what extant do you agree or disagree?

As we move into twenty-first century, people consumption mood has changed radically due to complicated factors. Some people argue that the advertisement and baying unnecessary things have attributed to rise sales rats. This argument may be true somehow as it will be outlined in this essay.

It I true that advertisement invade the people’s life with the flashy and catching products, most of great companies using glamorous people to advertise the new products. Young people and children are influenced by this trend, they baying the popular goods without thinking of its quality or its fancy price. Furthermore, celebrities’ advertisement such as beloved singers or sports people reinforce the high sales of specific brands and fast food chains. Some people bulk this trend, they informed about new products from advertisement and make their buying decision later.

On the other hand, I firmly do not agree that the high sales average refer to buying things unnecessary. People needs is always controversial issue and associated with many aspects. Economic aspect, for example is the most important one, some people decide their needs according to their household budget, and they always buy their needs due to their disposable income. While, others have a high standard of living and they obsess of luxurious and gorgeous products, they like to passionate the fashionable and trendy goods. Nevertheless, it should not be judged as not real needs for them.

All in all, I believe that advertisement play an inevitable role in the consumers trend and in the market place. Subsequently attributing to the high level of sales. However, it is very hard to decide that this rise present of buying unnecessary goods.