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Task2-argument- teach skills and knowlege in the university

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:05 am
by rairaichan0115
Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace. Others think that the true function of a university should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake, regardless of whether the course is useful to an employer.

What, in your opinion, should be the main function of a university?

Universities are the places to teach pupils various academic knowledge as well as assist them to develop some skills to meet their potential employers’ requirements. However, some people would contend that it should only enlighten students’ education regardless of whether the course is efficient to an employer. I personally agree that the main function of an institution should not only concentrate on intelligent development, but also instruct them some necessary techniques which will be able them to gain a job.

Firstly, it is an undeniable that the purpose of majority of schoolchildren taking studies in higher institution is preparing for their future career paths. For instance, when I was a university student, I took accounting as my major. After graduated, I apply this expertise which I had learnt from school to my working. This makes it clear that if we do not train and gain a proper qualification from the school, then we do not have an occasion to get a job. Moreover, I certainly agree that even some subjects like as art that the school had taught them the techniques, but students may be unable to commence their work and it is depending on pupils’ talent, the academy still have to educate them some proper skills to students. I would argue that the benefits of teaching essential skills at institution far outweighs its drawbacks.

Secondly, and even more importantly, though universities are the places to cultivate potential skillful staff members to our society. Based on this reason, the government offer considerable financial subsidies to each school. Hence, it has a responsibility to nurture schoolchildren with appropriate expertises to meet their possible proprietors’ needs. It is obvious from this that our society can have numerous advantages if the students had been taught some skills at the school.

In conclusion, I once again reconfirm my position that all the universities have an obligation to train them to be qualified worker before they graduate.

Re: Task2-argument- teach skills and knowlege in the university

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 5:06 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner

First main paragraph - Is a qualification really necessary to get a job? You can set up your own business without qualifications.

Second main paragraph - So general that meaning is unclear.

Conclusion - What do you mean by qualified worker?

Overall, I have to say that this essay is very difficult to understand. Points are very unclear and examples might be a good idea.

All the best,