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(PLEASE KINDLY ASSESS - Band 7 achievable?) Talented and talent that can be taught. (Discussion)

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 1:35 pm
by Herwinnnn
it is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sport or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


While it is commonly believed that geniuses are born with innate talents, such as singing or intelligence, the average people are not. At the same time, others refute because skills can be taught and passed to people who are willing to learn. This essay will first discuss how people with talent excel in their lives and secondly, how complex skills can pass to the others.

To begin with, it is obvious that talented people can learn things, including studying or sport, quickly and flawlessly. For example, Albert Einstein, a renowned gifted physicist, was a man who can generate ideas in his mind and having visual experimentation, according to NewScientist, a magazine that specialises in scientific research. People with these abilities are more likely to outperform in their works than the average employees. Hence, having an inborn talent allows them to startle the other people exceptionally.

On the other hand, there are more successful magnates have confessed they actually worked harder than any other businessman. Steve Jobs, as an instance, who was the founder of Apple company, said to the public, "the key to a successful path lies in the ability for people to get motivated, inspired, and work harder ". With that valuable speech, it implies that people, no matter poor or rich, should be determined to chase his own goal despite acknowledging he is gifted. Thus, with determination, talent still can be learned with an utmost aspiration.

To conclude, although there are people who are ingenious when they were born, there are more people who achieve success through hard work. Therefore, in my opinion, I believe people can learn anything provided that they are ambitious to strive for their dream.

(280) Words

Re: (PLEASE KINDLY ASSESS - Band 7 achievable?) Talented and talent that can be taught. (Discussion)

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:10 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner

First main paragraph - Einstein could generate ideas in his mind? So can I! You can't? This actually renders the rest of the paragraph virtually meaningless.

Second main paragraph - The main reference here is to business, not to sport or music, as mentioned in the question. However, the overall argument may still be valid.

Overall, just that first paragraph needs to be completely rewritten. The rest is very simple, but answers the question to some extent. For example, you talk about hard work, but fail to point out what that means exactly. Cleaners often work hard. What motivates people to work hard and become successful?

All the best,