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Task2-discussion-disruptive students-my test is in this month, pls help me!!

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 7:08 am
by rairaichan0115
In many countries, students must leave school because of their poor behavior. Some people think it is a good idea, while others argue that there are other
ways to solve this problem. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Nowadays students’ misbehavior issue has drawn a widespread attention. Some people would contend that the school should expel pupils who have had ill-disciplined behavior, while many would argue that the institution can tackle this matter in alternative measures. These points of view will be discussed before arriving at a satisfactory outcome.

On the one hand, some people are of the opinion that it is a splendid suggestion to expel schoolchildren who have had disruptive behavior. For instance, according to the regulation in Hong Kong, if the juvenile is 15 years old or over and he repeated to break the school’s rules, then the principal of the school has a right to enquire him to leave his institution to restore the school’s discipline. This makes it clear that in order to maintain school’s order, even the government permits the academy to require the misbehaved students to leave his school. Thus, it is understandable why many people gravitate toward this point of view.

On the other hand, many sustain the notion that expelling badly behaved students from the school is not only means to resolve the issue. The institution should apply other measures to address it. To illustrate, in Australia, it has a “clam down room” for the pupil who has done bad behavior. The teacher will converse with him nicely and lead him to comprehend regarding his poor manner. Furthermore, the educator will enlighten him a right concept along with teach him how to behave himself. Consequently, the students will have occasions to amend their manner as well as they will not feel that they alienate from others. After analyzing this fact, it is certainly clear why many support this claim.

By way of conclusion, there are strong arguments of both sides. However, after evaluating the varying opinions, I felt that the college should not simply expel the unruly students from school. They should try their best to nurture them and guide them into a right track.