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Task2-argument- living in apartment or house

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 12:45 am
by rairaichan0115
Some people prefer to live in a house, while others feel that there are more advantages to living in an apartment.

Are there more advantages than disadvantages of living in a house compared with living in an apartment?

In a contemporary society, there are two kinds of accommodation which are house and apartment. Some people would like to live in a house and many would prefer to live in an apartment. It is disagreed that there are more merits than demerits of dwelling in a house compared with residing in an apartment. There are two primary reasons for this.

Firstly, it is an irrefutable fact that living in an apartment is more affordable for the majority people than staying in a house. For instance, if you would like to rent a unit in Melbourne city, the rental fee is much cheaper than renting a house at the same place. This makes it clear that the inhabitants are highly likely to be able to rent apartments than renting houses. Moreover, although I certainly agree that the tenants who can pay higher fees for living the houses, they can enjoy more privacy. Living in apartments can be very difficult for them. Nonetheless, I would contend that lodging in units is beneficial for the people who cannot pay higher rental fees and less concern with regard to the privacy issue.

Secondly, and even more importantly, tenants can be more safely to inhabit in units. To illustrate, in Australia, inhabitant can only access to his floor with his lift key. It is not prohibited for entry to other floors without permission. Also, all the apartments have a 24 safeguard on duty. Consequently, they can be enjoyable to live in more safety place. Although, there are some security systems can be installed in the house such as alarm system, it is still very easy to break down the system by criminal. It is obvious from this that the profitable of lodging in a unit far outweighs its drawbacks.

In conclusion, I once again reaffirmed my position that accommodating in an apartment has had more favorable than dwelling in a house because of it is more affordable and secure to stay.

Re: Task2-argument- living in apartment or house

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 5:24 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner

This is a good essay. Ideas are clear, but be a little careful with words like 'all'. Also, you only talk about renting, whilst many people buy their homes.
Some grammar/vocab mistakes ...
1. It is disagreed - who by?
2. more likely to be able
3. and are less concerned with regard to
4. tenants can be safer in units
5. 24 hour guard on duty
6. they can enjoy living in a safer place
7. I once again reaffirm
All the best,