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Please Assess my writing Task and mention which IELTS i can fall in

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 12:43 am
by zein.ahmed24

Working experience during any life period is an added value to the individual since it has many benefits.

Working before joining university is an added value to the student because it will let him face a very new situtions which he might face during his whole life in general and during his studying period in the college , these situations will enhance his self confidence as he will feel that he is unique among his collegues , self dependence and enhance his communnication skills which are all values indeed important to be gained.

Moreover , early working experience will prepare this kind of student to be ready for the real working enviroment after college , actually with very high probabilty he or she will not work in the same place he worked before university but the level of overcoming several situations and how to deal with them will be different than someone who is working for the 1st time after college.

Personally a collegue of mine is an engineer but , actually before joining college he used to help his father in his pharmacy during the summer vacations.

Actually i can see that my friend is a very good use case because working enviroment in a pharmacy let you know how to act with different clients with different mentalities , this helped him alot to be a good sales engineer in a reputable multi national company after graduation.

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Re: Please Assess my writing Task and mention which IELTS i can fall in

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 9:46 pm
by Flick
zein.ahmed24 wrote: Gaining work experience at any point is an added value to the individual since it has many benefits.

Working before joining a university is beneficial to the student because it will let him experience new situations which he might face during his whole life in general and during his time at university. These situations will enhance his self confidence as he will feel that he is unique among his colleagues, build his independence and improve his communication skills which are all important skills to have.

Moreover, early working experience will prepare this kind of student to be ready for real working environments after college. actually with very high probabilty he or she will not work in the same place he worked before university but the level of overcoming several situations and how to deal with them will be different than someone who is working for the 1st time after college.(<--Reword to: "Although the student isn't likely to work in the same place once he graduates, the experience he gains will serve him well at other jobs, and he will probably perform better than students without work experience.")

A colleague of mine is an engineer, but before he graduated, he used to help his father in his pharmacy during the summer vacations. This experience in the pharmacy taught him how to act with different clients with different mentalities, which helped him to be a good sales engineer in a reputable, multi-national company after graduation.