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Task 2- argument- part-time job. thanks

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 1:35 am
by rairaichan0115
Many students take part-time jobs while studying university. Do you think it is good idea or bad idea?

In the contemporary society, employers rather employ experienced staffs than freshly graduated students. Under-graduated school children are commonly taking part-time jobs at their leisure time. It is agreed that it is a better concept for gaining working experience after school. This argument will be proven by looking at how having a part-time work during studying university can both increase their opportunity of obtaining jobs in the foreseeable future and reducing their financial burden.

First of all, it is an undeniable fact that having job experiences can increase their chance of getting great jobs in their later life. As the majority of proprietors prefers to employ experienced clerks as they can diminish the duration of training a new staff. For instance, when I am seeking a job in Australia, most of the travel agents want to employ workers who had worked in the industry. As this shows, they can have more job opportunity based on their past experiences. This makes it clear, the benefit of taking part-time work while studying far outweighs its drawbacks.

Secondly, and even more importantly, it can diminish their economical load. To illustrate, in Australia, all the schoolchildren are permitted to work 20 hours per week. Thus, for some students may need to work in order to sustain their living costs. It is obviously clear from this that it has a positive effect of taking part-time jobs during studying in university.

In conclusion, following look at how having an extra job increase their job opportunity in the future and lessen their financial burden, it has been proven that working a part-time task has more pros than cons. Also, I believe that it seems highly advisable for pupils to get more job experience before commencing their career’s life in the not too distance future.

Re: Task 2- argument- part-time job. thanks

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 8:54 pm
by Flick
rairaichan0115 wrote:Many students take part-time jobs while studying university. Do you think it is good idea or bad idea?

In the contemporary society, employers rather employ experienced staff than freshly graduated students. Under-graduate school children commonly take part-time jobs duringtheir leisure time. It is agreed that it is a better concept for gaining working experience after school. This argument will be proven by looking at how having part-time work while studying at university can both increase their opportunity of obtaining jobs in the foreseeable future and reduce their financial burden.

First of all, it is an undeniable fact that having work experience can increase their chance of getting great jobs in their later life. The majority of proprietors prefer to employ experienced clerks as they can diminish the duration of training a new staff member. For instance, when I was seeking a job in Australia, most of the travel agents wanted to employ workers who had worked in the industry before. As this shows, students can have more job opportunities based on their past experiences. This makes it clear that the benefit of taking part-time work while studying far outweighs its drawbacks.

Secondly, and even more importantly, it can diminish their financial load. To illustrate, in Australia, all the schoolchildren are permitted to work 20 hours per week. Thus, some students may need to work in order to sustain their living costs. It is obviously clear from this that it has a positive effect of encouraging students to take part-time jobs during study.

In conclusion, following looking at how having an extra job increases their job opportunities in the future and lessens their financial burden, it has been proven that working a part-time job has more pros than cons. Also, I believe that it seems highly advisable for pupils to get more job experience before commencing their career in the not-too-distant future.