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Please assess my written work.

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 4:32 pm
by amiiin
Q :Many mesuems charge for admission while others are free .Do you think the advantages of charging people for admission to museuns outweigh the advantages ?

Nowadays ,people have more accesses to visit the museum at home and abroad .Whether to charge the admission fee causes heated dicussion .Some people state that museum should be open to public for free in order to encourage more visitors .But I think the museum had better set an appropriate price which most people can afford .
We can not deny the fact that the museum can attract a large number of people if it is free of charge. We will be pleased to see that people swarm into museum as we consider it as a symbol of civilization . Actually ,it does not work as well as we think .Tickets are the main income of museum so that the whole staff team can function well .Once the museum lacks of revenue ,it can not guarantee the qualitfied display or it has to rely on public fund ,which exert huge financial pressure on government. Therefore,it is the citizen who pay tax finally purchase this bill .Besides, too many visitors bring inconvenience to the management as well as disturb the admirers who really appreciate the art .
Morever ,buying a ticket will not make a difference to those who understand the value of art .Let us take the Forbidden City as an example. The ticket only costs 40 RMB which is equal to the price of a bowl of noodle .However ,the museum is still a bit crowded during holidays so we cannot imagine how terrible it will be if it is for free .
In conclusion ,it is reasonable for the museum to charge a reasonable price for the public.Only in this way can all of us enjoy the art that museum brings .

Re: Please assess my written work.

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2015 3:24 pm
by chang
These are just a few of my suggestions. I, myself am currently practicing for my IELTS. Please accept my comments positively. it is my personal opinion that your essay maybe in the band range of 5.0-5.5. however, I'm just learning myself so I can be wrong. the blue replaces the red.

Nowadays ,people have more accesses to visit the museum at home and abroad .Whether to charge the admission fee causes heated discussion.Some people state that museum should be open to public for free in order to encourage more visitors .But however I personally think believe thatthe museum had better shouldset an appropriate entry price which most people can afford .
We can not deny the fact that the museum can attract a large number of people if it is free of charge. Museums generally attract a large crowd when tickets are free of cost.We will be pleased to see that people swarm into museum as we consider it as a symbol of civilization . The larger the crowd a museum is able to attract, the more the city benefits in terms of enriching its culture.Actually ,it does not work as well as we think .Tickets are the main income of museum so that the whole staff team can function well .However, selling of tickets is one of the main sources of collecting revenues for the maintenance, without which general maintenance would be difficult to manage and the museum may deteriorate unless provided funding by the government or a private philantropist. Once the museum lacks of revenue ,it can not guarantee the qualitfied display or it has to rely on public fund ,which exert huge financial pressure on government. Therefore,it is the citizen who pay tax finally purchase this bill .Besides, too many visitors bring inconvenience to the management as well as disturb the admirers who really appreciate the art .
Morever ,buying a ticket will not make a difference to those who understand the value of art .for true art admirers, the purchase of a ticket is immaterial as long as they can enjoy the true value of the displays. Let us take the Forbidden City as an example. The ticket only costs 40 RMB which is equal to the price of a bowl of noodle .However ,the museum is still a bit crowded during holidays so we cannot imagine how terrible it will be if it is for free .Considering, the crowd on holidays, it would be unimaginable what the state would be if the entrance was free.
In conclusion ,it is reasonable for the museum to charge a reasonable price for the public.Only in this way can all of us enjoy the art that museum brings .It would be impractical for museums to waive off the entrance charges as it would be unable to cater to the needs of the visitors and maintain its infrastructure.

Re: Please assess my written work.

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:51 am
by amiiin
Thanks for your assessment !