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Please kindly check: factory farming vs traditional farming

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:09 am
by asri027
In recent years, farming practice has change to include methods such as factory farming and the use of technology to improve crops. Some people believe these developments are necessary, while others regard them as dangerous and advocate a return to more traditional farming method.
Discuss both point of views and give your own opinion.
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In the past decade, the development of farming method has change how people producing foods. Some people say that this kind of improvement has been benefit for humankind while the others think that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. Thus, the analysis of both side of argument will be presented in this essay.

There are several factors that support factory farming on agriculture. One is that the growth rate of population has increased dramatically over the past decades, and people requiring more food than in the past. It can be also argued that today people need more efficient way producing more products on the same land area in the same location in order to reduce the cost of production. It can be also underline that the productivity of farmer is getting better by applied these techinique. Thus, it is clear that the technique has contributed to an increased availability of food at cheaper rates.

Conversly, the one who support enivromentally friendly farming methods base their argument on health and environment. It is claim that the factory farming’s products bring too much dangerous substance. For example, pathogens, antibiotics, chemical, and bacteria lead to increased health risks. In fact, some have predicted that it could lead to diseases like Alzheimer's or other kinds of mental illness. It can be also argued that a large quantity and concentrate of animal waste contribute to world environmental degradation.

The positives and negative arguments of factory farming have been presented above. In my personal belief is that people have to pay attention about the long-term dangerous of factory farming. Futhermore, there should be an extensive research that developed traditionals farming to increase their productivity in order to provide food in an eficient way.

(286 words)

Re: Please kindly check: factory farming vs traditional farming

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:58 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner
Hi Asri!
Generally, this is a good essay, but I think that you should include some specific examples of what the controversy is about. You do mention a few things briefly, but without details.
Vocabulary is good and grammar is too, with not many mistakes and a good range of structures.
All the best,