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Going to shows

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 3:59 pm
by RonyM
Some people like to see live performances, shows, concerts and so on. Others, however, prefer to watch them on TV or a computer screen rather than attending live shows. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
People have different preferences regarding following different theatre arts . While some of them prefer to watch them from home ,others would rather watching them life . Personally, if I could afford the price of its tickets I would attend all these shows in theatre Is found to thrilling to many . As they enjoy the collaborative reactions to the acts played on the stage .For example, some people believe that laughing at any comedy show is contagious, so would laugh more if they share others laughters at the same place. In fact, attending any artistic act where it is genuinely played is memorable experience
On the other hand, there is another group of people, whom I think the majority, who like to watch these arts on their computers or TV .Those people who are seemingly prefer not being in the crowd of people who attend these performances . To watch and listen with more concentration.furthermore , there is a financial issue that plays a key role in such preference. The price of the tickets of these acts is usually higher than an ordinary person can afford .Moreover, most people don't have a spare time to attend these parties.So , it is more convenient for them to watch performances ,shows or concrete on their gadgets eg , TV or laptops.

Re: Going to shows

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 7:26 pm
by Flick
RonyM wrote:Some people like to see live performances, shows, concerts and so on. Others, however, prefer to watch them on TV or a computer screen rather than attending live shows. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

People have different preferences regarding watching different theatre arts. While some people prefer to watch them from home, others would rather watch them live. Personally, if I could afford the price of a ticket, I would attend all these shows in the theatre. Is found to thrilling to many .(<--Reword to: Many people find watching a show live more thrilling than watching it on TV, as they can feel like a part of the performance.") As they enjoy the collaborative reactions to the acts played on the stage .(<--Delete this sentence.) For example, some people believe that laughing at any comedy show is contagious, so would laugh more if they share others laughter at the same place. In fact, attending any artistic act where it is genuinely played is a memorable experience.

On the other hand, there is another group of people who like to watch these arts on their computers or TV. Those people seemingly prefer not being in the crowd of people who attend these performances. This means they can watch and listen with more concentration. Furthermore, there is a financial issue that plays a key role in such a preference. The price of the tickets of these acts is usually higher than an ordinary person can afford. Moreover, most people don't have any spare time to attend these parties. So, it is more convenient for them to watch performances, shows or concerts on their gadgets.

Re: Going to shows

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 7:53 pm
by RonyM
Thanks for your corrections
But could you score my writing