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Please check_the line graph vs bar chart writing

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 7:58 pm
by murad agayev
The line graph illustrates comings to the UK over 20 years, and the bar char measures the most visited countries by UK tourists during 1999. Overall, it can be emerged from the line graph that visiting overseas was higher the visits to the UK. It can also be seen from the bar graph that the majority of people went to the most developed countries.
According to the first graph, the trends show visits to UK and from UK to abroad witnessed a slight increase between 1979 and 1984. The outings went up sharply through 1985 to 1989 while comings gradually rose. Thus, the rate which shows the amount of UK visitors resulted in upward trend during the rest of the period, and the quantity of visitors from other countries gradually increased.
In the bar chart, UK inhabitants mostly visited to five countries and preferred going mostly to France and Spain, which are developed countries of Europe. So, the amount of visitors who went overseas from UK leap to 10 million in a year.

Re: Please check_the line graph vs bar chart writing

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 7:34 pm
by Teacher
Dear Murad
Do you have a picture of the charts so I can check your answer?
Kind regards
Teacher Jill