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Can someone please review my Essay: 06-OCT

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 2:44 am
by shoaibyounis

Public libraries should only provide books and should not waste their limited resources on expensive high-tech media such as software, videos or DVDs. Do you agree or disagree?


Library holds an immense reservoir of knowledge and history, resulting in a widely accepted theory that it should only preserve books instead of technological inventory like software, videos and DVDs. I disagree to this concept and believe that modern high-tech infrastructure is equally important to maintain the international standards of the readers. This can be supported with examples like better space utilization with technology as compared to books and online data availability for readers without visiting the library.

It is a very well known fact that maintenance of technological inventory is easier than physical books. For example software, videos and online journals can be maintained in a computer using Microsoft tools. Similarly access and locating this data is also very easy for a lay man. They just need to know the name of the book or the newspaper. Hence, it takes far less space than the physical books in the library. Space utilization can be increased dramatically by having a proper IT presence in the library. IT infrastructure will also allow the staff to take backup of precious books by having them scanned. Hence, making technology an important part of the library.

Similarly as we can see that we are living in a world where we do not have enough time to visit a library. So the availability of online data makes it easier for readers to go through their favorite novel and newspaper while sitting at their home. People just have to pay a nominal library subscription fee and they can access a vast range of journals and electronic books. Hence, modern equipment is becoming a necessity of a common library setup.

As it can be seen that with the need of increased space and online data availability, every library must posses a high tech IT infrastructure. It is also believed that we will soon have a concept of online libraries with no physical presence at all. Electronic copies of the books, journals and newspapers will be available via a central database system.

Re: Can someone please review my Essay: 06-OCT

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 7:51 am
by DcalmdownD
Public libraries provide people with abundant resources to facilitate knowledge acquisition. Although some people say that the collection of public libraries should be restricted to books only to avoid high expenditure, it will be shown that media in the form of high technology is also necessary. This argument will be proven by analyzing the benefits of media in high-tech format.

Firstly, high-tech media can enhance learning. For example, videos and discs present visuals and sounds which enable learners to gain a direct and interactive experience with the learning materials, which is particularly helpful to language learners who need to learn how to communicate by understanding the context in which words and phrases are used and how they are pronounced. This makes it clear that software, videos, and DVDs are beneficial for people by creating a immersive learning environment with pictures and audio, which books cannot offer. Thus, it is obvious that media in high-tech format has a positive influence on learning.

In addition to this, high-tech media is becoming increasingly affordable. Take, DVDs, as an example. Due to the development of technology, recent years has seen a dramatic decline in the price of these sophisticated digital discs. Therefore, it is possible for public libraries to add high-tech media products alongside books into their collection. Thus, the idea of having videos and DVDs in public libraries is cost-effective and reasonable.

Following the 2 points of view, it is clearly proven that collecting high-tech formatted media is not only conducive to learners, but also financially smart. Overall, it is highly recommended that public libraries spend money on high-tech media.

Re: Can someone please review my Essay: 06-OCT

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 7:53 am
by DcalmdownD
I am not qualified to evaluate other people's works, but I can provide my own writing. :)

Re: Can someone please review my Essay: 06-OCT

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:05 pm
by shoaibyounis
Thanks for your feedback dear. Noted :)