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General Training - Formal Letters - Please evaluate and provide the possible Band sore

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 6:05 am
by krishmba06
There is a plan to build a supermarket close to the local library. You think it shouldn’t be there. Write a letter to your local council and say

- why the supermarket shouldn’t be built there
- describe the disadvantage of this plan
- suggest an alternative location for the supermarket.

Answer :-

I am writing with regard to your plan to construct a supermarket next to the library. I believe you should not erect the departmental store next to the library as there are several disadvantages to this plan
As you are aware, library as a place requires utmost silence which enables the reader to concentrate on their studies or reading. This peace will be greatly disturbed y the noise that will be created during the construction process. Also once the supermarket starts to function, there will be unnecessary disturbance to the readers as there will be movement of people on a large scale in and out of the supermarket.
The other disadvantage to the plan is the location itself. Building the supermarket in the centre of the town, will cause traffic congestion and will cause huge inconvenience to both the pedestrians and people accessing the library.
However, I do understand how imminent this supermarket is to our locality and would suggest to build this at whitefield near the information technology park. There is ample space available for parking and the presence of the companies would enable more people to shop at convenience.
I believe this matter deserves your urgent attention and replanning to avoid any unnecessary expenses.