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GT Writing Task 2 - Essay about One car per family - pLease evaluate and provide band score - pls

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 3:39 pm
by krishmba06
Q :- the ownership of cars should be restricted to one per family in order to reduce traffic congestion and pollution.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Restricting the ownership of car, as one per family wil reduce the traffic congestion and pollution. In my opinion this is the efficient way to improve the quality of the air and the commutation.
Firstly dealing with issues around traffic congestion is best solved by curtailing the number of cars plying in the roads. It may not be possible to decrease the number of cars immediately but a step by step approach of introducing one car per family will certainly improve the way we commute inside the city. At the moment, in developed countries each member in a family has one car per head and this definitely causes huge traffic congestion during the peak hours. This results in blocking the movement of the critical vehicles such as ambulance and fire engines. However by incorporating one car per person, we can ensure lesser number of cars and better movement of the vehicles.
Another point to consider is that lesser number of vehicles ensures low carbon emissions and a cleaner air. It has been estimated that 1 million people die prematurely every year due to health issues caused by impure air. The primary reason for this air pollution is because of the usage of the cars and the subsequent intensity of carbon mono oxide and carbon di oxide released in to the atmosphere. This certainly causes impure air and various health hazards to all sorts of people starting from toddlers to elderly. Less usage of the cars by people will decrease the impurities being distributed in air and thus preventing the health issues. Furthermore, people will switch to healthy way of commuting such as cycling and walking which could improve one’s health.
In conclusion, to deal with the traffic congestions and impure atmosphere, implementing one car usage per family is the easiest and the efficient