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Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 3:20 pm
by salwa mostafa
The line graph provides information about the amount of goods moved in to the UK through 28 years using road, water, rail, and pipeline. As can be seen from the graph that the transportation through road was the most popular while pipeline was rarely used.
From 1974 to 1978, the quantities of goods transferred using water and pipeline were the same about 40 million tones. Also, the amount of goods moved using road and pipeline had been increasing steadily where road was used to transfer goods more than pipeline at this period. Between 1978 to 1982, transporting goods through water and pipeline had raised while the demand on rail and road had decreased. From 1982 till 1994, the amount of goods transported across water were nearly steady to 60 million tones. But they decreased to almost 50 million tonnes in 1998 and then raised to well-done above 60million tones in 2002. The transportation through pipeline had increased slowly from 1982 till 1990 then went up to just above 20 million tonnes in 1994 after that it remained steady until 2002.
The transfer of goods over the road had raised steadily to become slightly over 80 million tonnes in 1990 then fall to just below 80 million tonnes in 1994 after that the quantity of goods raised to around 90 million tonnes in 1998 then went up near 100 million tonnes in 2002. The transfer of goods using rail was significantly dropped to approximately 30 million tones in near 1984 then had various changes until raised to nearly above 40 million tonnes in 2002.
Word count ( 263 )


Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:15 pm
by Flick
Hi Salwa Mostafa,

It is difficult to give feedback without the line graph.
Can you add the graph to your essay?
