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In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing. What

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 3:07 pm
by salwa mostafa
In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing.
What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?

Today over weight is one the serious problems facing people’s health. The people’s weight is growing and the health and fitness life style is going down. There are many reasons for this trouble but in my opinion the basic two causes are the fast food and the less practicing of sports. But there is a hope there are two main solution to this problems which are increasing awareness about healthy food and raising the number of sport centers all over the world.
To face the issues you have to know the causes. So, the main reasons for increasing the average weight of people are the fast food and the less practicing to sports. The fast food contains a lot of fats which lead to rapidly raise in weight. Beside that most people now work for 8 hours daily and when they back to their home, they are exhausted and don’t have enough time to go to gyms. For example, my sister suffered from overweight from two years ago because she was eating at least twice daily from fast food shops. Also, she was working so much to get enough money for her university and she was rarely going to the gym. Therefore, in my view, fast food and less exercising are the main reasons for increasing weight and degrading the health level.
Although eliminating fast food is so hard but increasing awareness about healthy food and how it can be delicious as fast food is so important to solve this issues. Wide spreading of sport centers as well will be so helpful to make it easy for people to practice sports any time.
To conclude, the main causes of increasing average weight and degrading the health level of people are fast food and less exercising. The most effective ways to overcome this trouble are raising awareness about health food and increasing the number of sport centers.
Word count (316)

Re: In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing.

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:23 pm
by Flick
salwa mostafa wrote:In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing.
What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?

Today, obesity is a serious problem faced by many people. People’s weight is increasing and the health and fitness life style is decreasing. There are many reasons for this trouble but in my opinion the basic two causes are fast food and less playing of sports. However, there are two simple solutions to this problem: increasing awareness about healthy food and raising the number of sport centers all over the world.

To face the issues you have to know the causes.(<--I don't understand this sentence.) So, the main reasons for the increase in average weight are fast food and less playing of sports. Fast food contains a lot of fat which leads to a rapid increase in weight. Besides that, most people now work for 8 hours daily and when they return home, they are exhausted and don’t have enough time to work out. For example, my sister suffered from obesity two years ago because she was eating at least twice daily from fast food shops. Also, she was working so much to get enough money for her university that she was rarely going to the gym. Therefore, in my view, fast food and less exercising are the main reasons for increasing weight and degrading health levels.

Although eliminating fast food is difficult, increasing awareness about healthy food and how it can be as delicious as fast food is so important to solve this issue. Sport centers will be helpful in encouraging people to practice sports any time.

To conclude, the main causes of increasing average weight and degrading health levels are fast food and less exercising. The most effective ways to overcome this trouble are raising awareness about health food and increasing the number of sport centers.
Word count (316)