Improvement from last test. Overall 7.5

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Improvement from last test. Overall 7.5

Post by csabhorv »

After 3 years, I had to retake the test and I had much shorter time for preparation.

I was able to achieve better results in 3 tasks. One of them was reading, where my improvement was 1.5 points.

My highest score was 8.5 for speaking.

Overall I've got 7.5 and I am very happy with that.

My biggest challenge as always was the writing part but thanks to this blog and especially to Ryan I was able to improve and get my desired score.

I would like to express my gratitude to Ryan for making those very useful videos.

thanks again!

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Re: Improvement from last test. Overall 7.5

Post by Ryan »

Hi Csaba,

Wow! 8.5 in speaking? Why haven't you been on IELTSCast? :lol:

Your story is very inspiring. I am very happy to hear your gruelling IELTS days are over.
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