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Please evaluate the task 2.

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2015 2:35 am
by faruk079
Question: Some people are against marrying someone from different country and culture. What are the advantages and disadvantages? Give your opinion.

Marriage between two people of same country and culture has been a common scenario from ancient times. However, the trend is increasingly changing day by day. Nowadays, marriage between other cultures or countries has become common. Some people say that it has several advantages while others are against it.

There are numerous merits of marrying someone from other countries or cultures. At the outset, both the spouse gets the permission from each country to permanently dwell in these countries. They get dual passports as well which makes their travelling to the countries much easier. Furthermore, both of them get to know about the culture of different countries which enrich their knowledge. Moreover, they can enjoy different festivals of different countries. In addition to that, their kids become the citizens of both the countries which give an immense opportunity to the children to acquire knowledge about those countries or cultures. To illustrate, if a Bangladeshi man marries an American lady, he becomes the citizen of the USA as well. After that, their children get the citizenship of both countries and can learn concerning the lifestyles, cultures or other things of two countries.

On the contrary, there are others who think that marriage between different countries and cultures has several drawbacks. First of all, husband and wife face communication problems between them because of different languages, cultures etc. Secondly, they find it intricate to adjust with each other because of having different lifestyles. Additionally, sometimes it is seen that the weather of the country does not suit with either of them. As a result, they are compelled to take divorce which has bad impact on their children. This is because, when a child watches his/her parents divorced, he /she might have a bad impression about the marriage. Also, children get confused about electing the lifestyle or culture.

In conclusion, it can be said that, everything has pros and cons. Marriage between different cultures and countries have both merits and demerits, but I think the drawbacks can be overcome if both man and woman are cautious about it. This is because, there are many couples around the world who are abiding peacefully after getting married in such a way.

Re: Please evaluate the task 2.

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 9:48 pm
by Flick
faruk079 wrote:Question: Some people are against marrying someone from different country and culture. What are the advantages and disadvantages? Give your opinion.

Marriage between two people of the same country and culture has been a common scenario from ancient times. However, the trend is increasingly changing day by day. Nowadays, marriage between people of other cultures or countries has become common. Some people say that it has several advantages while others are against it.

There are numerous merits of marrying someone from another country or culture. At the outset, both spouses gain permission from each country to permanently dwell in these countries. They get dual passports as well, which makes their travelling to the countries much easier. Furthermore, both of them learn about the culture of different countries which enriches their knowledge. Moreover, they can enjoy different festivals of different countries. In addition to that, their kids become citizens of both countries, which give an immense advantage to the children when gaining knowledge about those countries or cultures. To illustrate, if a Bangladeshi man marries an American woman, he becomes a citizen of the USA as well as of Bangladesh. After that, their children get citizenship of both countries and can learn about the different lifestyles, cultures or other things of both countries.

On the other hand, there are others who think that marriage between people of different countries and cultures has several drawbacks. First of all, the husband and wife may face communication problems because of different languages, cultures, etc. Secondly, they find it difficult to adjust to each other because of having different lifestyles. Additionally, sometimes it is seen that the weather of the country does not suit with either of them. As a result, they are compelled to divorce, which has a bad impact on their children. This is because, when a child watches his/her parents divorce, he/she might have a bad impression about the marriage. Also, children get confused about choosing one lifestyle or culture.

In conclusion, it can be said that everything has pros and cons. Marriage between people of different cultures and countries has both merits and demerits, but I think the drawbacks can be overcome if both man and woman are cautious about it. This is because there are many couples around the world who are abiding peacefully after getting married in such a way.