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Using a computer every day can have more negatives than positives

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 7:00 am
by HL_Taker
Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on young children.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Today, most of people around the world use their computers every day. One class of daily computer users is children. It is agreed that using a computer every day can impact young children more negatively than positively. That will be evidenced by explaining how daily use of a computer makes children not social and not as healthy as they are supposed to be.

Using a computer every day makes young children isolated from their societies. For instance, when a child sits in front of his computer for many hours a day, he spends the time that is supposed to be for doing social activities, such as visiting relatives or going out with friends. By avoiding that, children can have more time to spend with their families, relatives and friends. Thus, children could be affected more negatively when they use their computers every day.

Another reason which proves that daily use of a computer has more negative than positive implications on children is that it affects their health negatively. When a child wastes a lot of his time every day playing computer games, he will not be interested in playing physical games which are very important, especially for young children, to keep healthy. So, a child will have a time for such significant physical exercises when he avoids using his computer daily. It is for this reason that using a computer every day has less positives.

After the explanation of how the sociality and health of young children could be impacted negatively by using their computers every day, it is clear that the negatives are more than the positives of this habit. Moreover, it is advised that parents prevent their young children from using computers every day.

Any corrections, suggestions or advices?

Re: Using a computer every day can have more negatives than positives

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2015 3:11 pm
by jesus
HL_Taker wrote:Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on young children.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Today, most of people around the world use their computers every day. One class of daily computer users are children. It is agreed that using a computer every day can impact young children more negatively than positively. This will be analyzed by explaining how daily use of a computer makes children unsocial and not as healthy as they are supposed to be.

Using a computer every day makes young children isolated from their societies. For instance, when a child watches computer for many hours a day, he spends the time that can be used for doing social activities, such as visiting relatives or going out with friends. By avoiding this, children can have more time to spend with their families, relatives and friends. Thus, children could be affected more negatively when they use computers everyday.

Another reason which proves that daily use of a computer has more negative than positive implications on children is that it affects their health negatively. When a child wastes a lot of time [/color] everyday on playing computer games, he will not get interested in playing physical games which are very important, especially for young children, to be healthy. So, a child will have a time for such significant physical exercises when he avoids using computer daily. It is for this reason that using a computer everyday has less positive impacts.

After the explanation of how the sociality and health of young children could be affected negatively by using their computers every day, it is clear that there are more negative impacts than positives on this habit. Moreover, it is advised that parents should avoid their young children from using computers everyday.

Any corrections, suggestions or advices?
Well, i am a learner as you. :lol:

Re: Using a computer every day can have more negatives than positives

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 1:28 pm
by HL_Taker
Thanks a lot for your valuable comments ..

I really appreciate that..
