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Pls Evaluate my GT essay -topic- Practical skills for School students

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 4:50 am
by krishmba06
Q :- Some people think that students at school need to learn practical skills such as repairing a car or maintaining a bank account, in addition to the traditional academic subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and support it with examples

A:- Fixing a car or a motorbike, learning the essentials of banking and implementing it in their regular day to day life are essential practical skills for all school students. Some people assume that these activities should be taught as part of the curriculum. In my opinion, every school teach their pupils atleast one of the practical skills.
Firstly, teaching the practical skills and observing them during this study will help the teacher to understand the core strength of the student. When a kid is good at repairing a car then he could be guided to take more classes on Mechanics, there by arousing his interest towards self learning.
Secondly, learning the practical skill will boost the self confidence of the students. Each student will have courage to face the different facets of the society after their schooling. They would be able to sustain in this competitive society as they are aware of how to handle various day to day situations. If a student has practical knowledge on banking and knows how to operate an bank account then he can approach any financial institution on his own and can enable himself to satisfy his needs such as taking a Demand draft for his higher studies.
Lastly, the practical skills always prove to be an alternative source of income. With ever increasing cost and inflation, it is not always possible for all the parents to pay for their kids education. So the students are now forced to take up additional jobs to self satisfy their needs. Also due to several economic factors, the job security has become a major concern and hence an added practical skill will always help a student to set up his own garage or a small business unit with what he had learnt during his school.
To conclude, the practical skills should be taught as part of both the school and the tertiary education and these studies should go hand in hand with the academic studies, in a proper mixture which would certainly benefit the Individuals and will prepare them for both the Job market and as well provide them a lost of self realisation.

Re: Pls Evaluate my GT essay -topic- Practical skills for School students

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 9:22 pm
by Flick
krishmba06 wrote:Q :- Some people think that students at school need to learn practical skills such as repairing a car or maintaining a bank account, in addition to the traditional academic subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and support it with examples

A:- Fixing a car or a motorbike, learning the essentials of banking and implementing it in their regular day to day life are essential practical skills for all school students.(<--Reword to: "Skills such as fixing a car or motorbike, or learning the essentials of banking are essential for daily life.") Some people assume that these activities should be taught as part of the school curriculum. In my opinion, every school should teach their pupils at least one practical skill.

Firstly, teaching practical skills will help the teacher to understand the core strengths of the students. When a kid is good at repairing a car then he could be guided to take more classes on Mechanics, thereby arousing his interest towards self learning.

Secondly, learning a practical skill will boost the self confidence of the students. Each student will have courage to face the different facets of adult life after their schooling. They would be able to survive in this competitive society as they know how to handle various day to day situations. If a student has practical knowledge on banking and knows how to operate a bank account then he can approach any financial institution on his own and can satisfy his needs such as taking out a loan for his higher studies.

Lastly, practical skills always prove to be an alternative source of income. With ever-increasing costs and inflation, it is not always possible for parents to pay for their child's education. So the students are now forced to take up additional jobs to meet their needs. Also due to several economic factors, job security has become a major concern and hence an added practical skill will always help a student to set up his own garage or a small business with what he has learnt during his schooling.

To conclude, practical skills should be taught as part of both school and tertiary education, and these studies should go hand in hand with academic studies, in a proper mixture which would certainly benefit the individuals and prepare them for both the job market and as well provide them a lot of self realisation.