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Self-confidence is the most important factor?

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 10:11 am
by Johnson zhang
Q. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Self-confidence is the most important factor for success in school or at work. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Some people say that success has many important factors such as hard work and intelligence. I believe that self-confidence is the most effective tool for achieving success in school or at work.

The most important reason is that self-confidence is the key to solving real life problems. Many working professionals face problems that require solutions they have not been taught at school or from the textbook. What will help them is confidence that encourages and improves one’s thinking abilities and consequently helps solving difficult situations at work. Therefore, self-confidence is extremely important for professionals who look for success at work. For example, my uncle works as a salesman and has become a wealthy man because he always shows confidence and uses it to bring business negotiations to an end for good.

Another important reason is that self-confidence can greatly help people to build long-lasting relationships in their life. It is believed that building successful relationships requires confidence. That is because people’s confidence make them attractive and improves the communication with others. As a result, confident people are more likely to successfully start and keep good relationships. Therefore, self-confidence is one of the most important factors for success. For example, making friends is easier for students with self-confidence as they will likely receive academic help from their friends and thus succeed in school.

In conclusion, I agree with the view. I believe self-confidence is the most needed tool for success in life because it helps tackling difficult situations and starting good relationships.

Re: Self-confidence is the most important factor?

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 2:23 am
by Flick
Johnson zhang wrote:Q. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Self-confidence is the most important factor for success in school or at work. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

Some people say that success has many important factors such as hard work and intelligence. I believe that self-confidence is the most effective tool for achieving success in school or at work.

The most important reason is that self-confidence is the key to solving real life problems. Many working professionals face problems that require solutions they have not been taught at school or from a textbook. What will help them is confidence that encourages and improves one’s thinking abilities and consequently helps to solve(<--Note: this could also be 'in solving') difficult situations at work. Therefore, self-confidence is extremely important for professionals looking to be successful. For example, my uncle works as a salesman and has become a wealthy man because he always shows confidence and uses it to bring business negotiations to a positive conclusion.

Another important reason is that self-confidence can greatly help people to build long-lasting relationships in their life. It is believed that building successful relationships requires confidence. That is because people’s confidence makes them attractive and improves communication with others. As a result, confident people are more likely to successfully start and keep good relationships. Therefore, self-confidence is one of the most important factors for success. For example, making friends is easier for students with self-confidence as they will likely receive academic help from their friends and thus succeed in school.

In conclusion, I agree with the view that self-confidence is essential for success. I believe self-confidence is the most needed tool for success in life because it helps when tackling difficult situations and starting good relationships.