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Please grade. I need band 7. :)

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 2:47 pm
by inaveed
Trees are essential for the existence of the human race as they provide the oxygen that we need to survive. Yet, daily all around the globe large areas of woodland are being destroyed. Many people feel that they as individuals can do nothing and that only governments and large companies can halt this destruction.

How far do you agree or disagree with this? Use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

Trees have many uses. The most vital use is the production of oxygen, which is important for human survival. They produce oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. However, deforestation is becoming rampant worldwide. Trees are being cut down for their use in timber and other products. This has endangered forests and more needs to be done to conserve our woodlands. It is believed that individuals can’t do much to stop this and only higher regulatory bodies such as governments and large companies can stop this. The role of individuals and bigger organisations will be discussed below.

Government and large companies have a lot of human resource, which can be used to create awareness about the dangers of deforestation and regulate such activities. For example, if a group is caught illegally felling trees, government agencies such as police or forest patrol can arrest that group and levy punishment and charges to them. This, however, will be impossible for ordinary citizens to do. Hence, governments or large firms should put in more to take care of this situation.

Additionally, bigger companies can invest in reforestation. The idea will be to acquire free or deforested land and re-vegetate them with new trees. This will cause replacement of lost woods and the oxygen balance in the environment will be maintained. This could, however, have been impossible for ordinary individuals to do, because of lack of finances.

To conclude, it can be understood that government and large companies have more human resource, power and finances to preserve current woodlands and create new woodlands. This will, however, be difficult for common individuals to do. If governments and larger firms put in more effort, then deforestation can surely be controlled and the oxygen levels in the atmosphere will remain balanced.

Re: Please grade. I need band 7. :)

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 4:16 pm
by herreradavid1
The most vital use of trees among many others is the production of oxygen, which is important for human survival.This is because they produce oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. However, deforestation is becoming rampant worldwide. Trees are being cut down for their use in timber and other products. This has endangered forests and more needs to be done to conserve our woodlands. It is believed that individuals cannot do much to stop this and only higher regulatory bodies such as governments or large companies can stop this. The role of individuals and bigger organisations will be discussed below.

Government and large companies have a lot of human resources, which can be used to create awareness about the risks (danger is not a verb)of deforestation and regulate such activities. For example, if a group is caught illegally felling trees, government agencies such as police or forest patrol can arrest, levy punishment and charges to them. This, however, would be impossible for ordinary citizens to do. Hence, governments or large firms (large firms are not able to do it either) should put in more to take care of this situation.

Additionally, bigger companies can invest in reforestation. The idea will be to acquire free or deforested land and re-vegetate them with new trees. This will cause replacement of lost woods and the oxygen balance in the environment would be recovered. However, this would be impossible to do for ordinary individuals , because of lack of money . (finance is the management of money)

To conclude, it can be understood that government and large companies have more human resources, power and financial resources to preserve and create new woodlands. This will, however, be difficult for common individuals to do. If governments and large firms make more of an effort, then deforestation can surely be controlled and the oxygen levels in the atmosphere will remain balanced.