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Question on writing evaluation

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 6:47 pm
by avijit_05
Hi David,
Could you tell us,

1.What approx number error means few errors/occasional error? Is wrong article counted as an error?
2. I read somewhere you said "essay grading as per their computer system". When you say computer system , essay is evaluated by system or human?
3. Do they look for sentence length, number of different words, words more than 5,6,7 charater etc?


Re: Question on writing evaluation

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 7:38 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner
Hi Avijit,
A bundle of questions there!
For few/occasional errors, it really depends on the density, i.e. errors per number of words. Mistakes with articles (a, an, the) DO count.
Essays are 'human' graded. We do not use any computers for grading the essays, but the computer does calculate the final score.
Yes, examiners certainly look at sentence length and the variety of words used.
However word length is not considered.
Hope that answers your questions!

Re: Question on writing evaluation(PLZ RATE MY WRITING)

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 2:50 pm
by ankushcoolz
Some people think that personal happiness is directly related to economic success. Others argue that happiness depends on different factors.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Answer: There is no denying fact in saying that we are dwelling the advanced & modern era, where people finds the happiness from different sources. But, it is really a debatable issue whether happiness relates to economic success or depends on other factors. Today, I am going to discuss both perspectives of people & end up this piece of writing with my own opinion in conclusion.
To begin with, the first perspective of those who are in the favour of this believes that personal happiness relates to economic success. Undoubtedly, we are living in the era where the survival of the human being is not possible without money. People with enough money leads to happiness & avail the luxurious life with big house, car & other facilities. Apart from this, money brings the standard of living, creates your goodwill in the society as well as helpful in your trouble time. Thus, some people relate personal happiness to economic success. For instance, individual with less money not leads efficient life.
The another school of thought is holding an opinion that happiness depends upon different factors. No doubt, money plays a vital role in life of persons but the happiness not comes only with the money factor .An individual tastes the dose of happiness with having good relationships with the family & relatives without money. Not even this, sometimes people are confronting stress under this situation people needs mental support from their near & dear to stay happy instead of money only.
To conclude, I restate that it is dilemma to be with one particular side, which leads me to have partial about this statement but I firmly believes that money over weighs the other factors considering the current era.

Re: Question on writing evaluation

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 5:33 am
by David.IELTS.Examiner
My apologies for the late reply!
I think that you put forward some great ideas, but don't develop them enough. Sometimes poor grammar and phrasing prevent clear communication of ideas, e.g. "People with enough money leads to happiness". Also, be careful not to waste time on excess phrasing, e.g. "To begin with, the first perspective of those who are in the favour of this believes that personal happiness relates to economic success." You mean "Many people relate personal happiness to economic success". This 'wordiness' is something that examiners dislike. Unfortunately, it is taught by most IELTS teachers.
All the best,