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Academic Task 1

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 11:15 am
by Mahdi99
Please suggest a band for the following. Feel free to point out mistakes and suggest improvements.

The picture for which the response is made is attached.

The series of images highlight the stages of the production of tomato ketchup.
The tomatoes are first picked and put into baskets. Soon after, they are sorted according to quality, where the better tomatoes are separated from the worse. Following this, they are carried to the factory. There, the tomato skin is peeled off, the seeds are removed and the stalk is taken off the tomatoes, and they are put in a large container in order to be crushed. When they are finally crushed, sugar, vinegar and salt are added for taste. This tomato ketchup is boiled. Subsequently, it is cooled for two hours, and then the ketchup is loaded into bottles, which are labelled. The ketchup bottles undergo the quality checks in the factory. The better quality ketchup bottles are then packed into carton boxes and transported to supermarkets. The final stage of the process is marked by consumption with hamburger and fries.

Thanks in advance,