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Please evaluate writing task 2

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 6:49 am
by faruk079
Question: The wealth gap between 1st world countries and 3rd world countries seems to be increasing. How can we reduce this gap? Do you think that developed countries have a duty to assist developing countries in every way?

The wealth difference between developed and developing countries has been increasing day by day. Necessary steps must be taken by both types of countries to reduce this gap. Developed countries must come forward to assisting the developing countries to improve their conditions.

Firstly, the developed countries must invest economically as well as by giving efficient manpower to developing countries to set up various projects. These kinds of projects must be for scientific and technological development. This is because, in this modern era, technology must be prioritized for the development of a country. The concerning countries’ government should reduce the taxes for setting the factories.

Secondly, not only the 1st world countries can make the changes but also the 3rd world countries must step ahead to assist themselves. In education sectors, various kinds of courses related to the modern technology can be commenced in collaboration with the developed countries. This will help to develop the education sector of that country. The manpower will become efficient as well.

After that, the people of developing countries must be aware and must work hard to improve the condition of their country. They must say no to corruption. Finally, I would mention Japan which is one of the top most developed countries in the world. The condition of Japan was even worse than any current developing countries after the second world war. However, due to having tremendous hard working people, they have reached the peak of development both technologically and educationally. Furthermore, Bangladesh is a perfect example of a developing countries where many developed countries like Japan has invested and started programs like JICA. These programs help to setup various technological factories in Bangladesh for its development.

To conclude, I would say that at first, developing countries must make a master plan and try hard to make it practical whereas the developed countries must assist them to achieve their goals by any means. This is because, the nation which does not try to change its fate by own, cannot be changed by others.

Re: Please evaluate writing task 2

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 9:56 pm
by Flick
faruk079 wrote:Question: The wealth gap between 1st world countries and 3rd world countries seems to be increasing. How can we reduce this gap? Do you think that developed countries have a duty to assist developing countries in every way?

The wealth difference between developed and developing countries has been increasing day by day. Necessary steps must be taken by both types of countries to reduce this gap. Developed countries must come forward to assist developing countries to improve their conditions.

Firstly, developed countries must invest economically as well as provide efficient manpower to developing countries to set up various projects. These projects must be for scientific and technological development. This is because, in this modern era, technology must be prioritized for the development of a country. The concerned country's government should reduce the cost of setting up the necessary facilities.

Secondly, not only can 1st world countries help developing countries, but those developing countries must step up to assist themselves. In education sectors, various kinds of courses related to modern technology can be commenced in collaboration with developed countries. This will help to improve the education sector of that country. The manpower will become efficient, as well.

After that, the people of developing countries must understand and work hard to improve the condition of their country. They must say no to corruption. Finally, I would mention Japan, which is one of the top most developed countries in the world. The condition of Japan was even worse than any currently developing countries after the second World War. However, due to having hard working people, they have reached the peak of development both technologically and educationally. Furthermore, Bangladesh is a perfect example of a developing country where many developed countries like Japan have invested and started programs like JICA. These programs help to setup various technological factories in Bangladesh for its development.

To conclude, I would say that initially, developing countries must make a master plan and try hard to make it practical, while developed countries must assist them to achieve their goals by any means. This is because, the nation which does not try to change its fate by own, cannot be changed by others.