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Task 2 Evaluation required

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 1:37 pm
by faty
Today more people are traveling than ever before. Why is this the cse? what are the benefits of traveling for traveler?

The word Globalization has become popular because it has brought people together in recent years. This can been seen as more people have started commuting to different countries. It is believed tat traveling has proved to be beneficial as it has abridged religious, political and economical differences between the nations. This will be proven by taking into account the factors that have encouraged traveling nowadays.

Traditionally, traveling was considered to be time-consuming and expensive. Most of the long distance communication including business and trade was held using held via shipments and couriers. However, with the proliferation of high-tech media, traveling has now become convenient and affordable. Chinese, for example, have made use of this commuting facility and invaded electronics market that was initially led by Japan alone in Asia. This reveals that as people travel around the globe, strategies can be adapted and can prove to be beneficial for societies.

The benefits that traveling has provided to the world are numerous. Firstly, traveling has opened doors for communism. Last year, funds were allocated in Singapore to develop its tourist site. This helps in exchanging traditional and cultural values as well as strengthening bond between the nations. Secondly, geographical boundaries have been significantly ignored. This enables the people to connect together and promote business and culture without hindrance.

This analyses shows that traveling is recently encouraged to promote personal and professional values of individual. In the years to come, it is also assured that technical advancements will ease the difficulties that travelers are still facing.

Re: Task 2 Evaluation required

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 6:06 pm
by faty
can some one please evaluate it

Re: Task 2 Evaluation required

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 10:33 pm
by Flick
faty wrote:Today more people are traveling than ever before. Why is this the case? What are the benefits of traveling for the traveler?

The word Globalization has become popular because it has brought people together in recent years. This can been seen as more people have started traveling to different countries. It is believed that traveling has proved to be beneficial as it has bridged religious, political and economical differences between nations. This will be proven by taking into account the factors that have encouraged traveling nowadays.

Traditionally, traveling was considered to be time-consuming and expensive. Most long distance communication, including business and trade, was carried out via shipments and couriers. However, with the proliferation of high-tech media, traveling has now become convenient and affordable. The Chinese, for example, have made use of this commuting facility and invaded the electronics market that was initially led by Japan alone in Asia. This reveals that as people travel around the globe, strategies can be adapted and can prove to be beneficial for societies.

The benefits that traveling has provided to the world are numerous. Firstly, traveling has opened doors for communism(<--Are you sure 'communism' is the right word?). Last year, funds were allocated in Singapore to develop its tourism industry. This helps in exchanging traditional and cultural values as well as strengthening bonds between the nations. Secondly, geographical boundaries have become less of a barrier. This enables people to connect and promote business and culture without hindrance.

This analysis shows that traveling promotes the personal and professional values of individuals. In the years to come, it is also assured that technical advancements will ease the difficulties that travelers are still facing.

Re: Task 2 Evaluation required

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 7:00 pm
by hafbau
stanleypepper81 wrote:I don't want to offend you, but I think you need some help with your task. You know, you can buy essay prime writing without spending so much time on something that should be corrected. You also have some grammar mistakes so I strongly recommend you to ask for professional help.
@stanleypepper81, are you some spam advertiser or what? Well I see you are also new, so you may not be aware that one of the beauties of this site is that people help with peer evaluations.

@Faty, I can't agree more with Flick...I think "communism" don't quite fit there! I'm also a learner though.
