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GT, essays 9-10. Final!

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 5:17 pm
by Gelever
Hi, guys!
I've finished my 10-essays preparation to the Section 2 of the General Module of IELTS.
I've watched the majority of Ryan's lessons on YouTube from sections 1 and 2.
Here are two last essays: 'Problem&Solution' and 'Double question'. (I was trying to be as dynamic and attentive to fully respond to these questions as I could))
All the figures in the examples provided are only my guess! You won't find any poofs for that in the Internet!
Both essays are written NOT under examination conditions.
Please, be critical in regards to the structure and grammar.
I'm hopeful you'll like it.

Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish. Why do you think this is happening? What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?

One of the problems the today’s societies face is the growing production of rubbish. However, the reasons why this is happening vary from culture to culture. It is argued that the main causes for this issue across the developing nations are the failure in adopting the recycling culture and the economical problems. To tackle these problems educational aspects of inculcating the recycling culture and drawing support from the international companies will be analyzed.

Firstly, one reason behind why the amount of rubbish is increasing is the penetration of fast food culture into the developing countries. For example, the McDonald's restaurants offer meals and beverages delivered in fully recyclable packages. However, after lunch the local people tend to throw them away making the litter amassed in city’s landfills. To counter this, the governments should initiate the amendments to the school's educational programs to include some lessons about the recycling culture. As the growing number of young people in the Third World countries attend schools, it is hoped that such the measures will improve people’s awareness of the problem, thereby reducing the amount of recyclable rubbish produced.

In addition to this, economical difficulties in the developing countries prevent them from taking steps to implement the modern recycling technologies. For instance, such poor nations as Nigeria or Ukraine cannot even afford to properly support educational and healthcare sectors not to mention funding new recycling projects. To tackle this problem, the governments should accept investments from the international community. This would benefit not only the poor countries through solving their rubbish problems, but also Western societies via private recycling corporations paying taxes from growing profits. As it is shown, making investments into the recycling industry of the developing nations could be mutually beneficial.

As is clear, proper education and international investments into recycling technologies are able to significantly decrease the amount of rubbish produced. It is hoped that such the measures are taken before rubbish becomes an environmental problem of the world scale.

Total: 329

GT Jan 29
More people are following latest fashion these days. What are the factors influencing them? Is it good or bad?

Factors that make people follow the new trends in fashion vary from person to person. Sometimes, the consequences of being an addicted fashionmonger can be harmful for both society and household. Although contested by many, it is argued that fashion is a negative phenomenon in the today's world. This will be shown by analyzing the negative effects of both spending too much money on fashionable clothes and the distracting atmosphere at schools.

Firstly, women often follow the fashion to remain attractive and beautiful. They are willing to spend colossal sums on clothing. For example, a research conducted by CSSS showed that households worldwide lose in average 20% of family budgets due to ladies trying to purchase garments in style. These money could have been spent opportunely on their children’s education or the acquisition of household utensils needed. Thus, it is clear that fashion has a quite negative effect on households budgets due to women squandering money in their attempt to follow fashion.

In addition to this, teenagers who are arguably driven by the wish to be approved by peers through following fashion trends tend to become less attentive to their studies. For instance, it is estimated that 15% of schoolchildren in China are under distracting influence of fashion, due to which their performance at schools worsens. As a result, schools prepare less competent students unable to continue their studies at universities, which is therefore harmful to the society. From this, it is clear that the idea of positive role of fashion should be refuted.

After analyzing ladies’ behaviours who tend to go on a spending spree in their efforts to stay fashionable and the negative impacts of fashion on teenagers being distracted from their studies, it is clear that the idea of beneficial role of fashion in human lives cannot be accepted. Forecasting by extrapolation, it is predicted that people's fashion addiction will remain the world's phenomenon in the foreseeable future.

Total: 322


Thank you for your attention and much-needed suggestions!

Letters are coming ....

Re: GT, essays 9-10. Final!

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 10:44 am
by jesus
Another impressive essay.
Is it under exam condition???

Re: GT, essays 9-10. Final!

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 2:03 pm
by Gelever
Hi, jesus!
Unfortunately, they are not...
Certainly, I'll do my best to produce something impressive in the exam hall, and I'm optimistic to get at lest Band 7, but before that I'll try to write under examination conditions at home. I hope in the middle of the July I'll post some of the results. Now I'm paying more attention to letters - a serious piece of job too.
Hope you're preparing well! ;)

Re: GT, essays 9-10. Final!

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 11:12 am
by pavanvandaal
Very good essay. I even envy you a little bit:) For me it is very hard to write an essay and when i had an exam i needed someone to do my essay questions:(

Re: GT, essays 9-10. Final!

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:56 am
by Gelever
Hi, pavanvandaal.
Thank you for warm words!
I really tried! Hope you will finally get the hang of writing and reach the desired score!
Good luck!