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Urge to all people taking test.

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:07 pm
by avijit_05
Hi All Test Takers,

We really want our work to be evaluated and that is the main reason we are posting
our writings here. I could see lot of people posting but there is no feedback and
suggestions. Everybody is just reading the task and providing no inputs for
improvement. I did not get any feedback on my letter and essay .

I would urge all test takes to help fellow students for evaluation , as this
scrutinizing of others work will also improve on grammar and content of your work.
Please don not hesitate you correction may be wrong or your advice might be
not to the point, but please try. Give your best to judge the writers essay.

Hope with this we can together achieve the band we want to get.
Please spare and some time and evaluate few essay to improve your writing skills.

Thanks for your attention.

Best Wishes.