GT, essays 7-8. Band score 7+ needed!

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GT, essays 7-8. Band score 7+ needed!

Post by Gelever »

Hi, there!
Two more essays I wrote over the last three days.
I must confess the more essays I write the keener I become and I ... well I just hope 10 essays will be enough to properly prepare for IELTS. ;)
Guys, please, be critical and say something to advise.
So, here are essays 7 (discussion) and 8 (argument):

GT 13th June
Some people think an employer must make decision, some argue that a manager ought to lead companies. Discuss both and tell your opinion.

Making correct decisions is an essential component of leading a company. However, there are divergent opinions on who should take the lead. Some believe that it is the owner of a business who should make the major decisions, whereas others argue that a manager is to take the control over a company. In this essay, the advantages to both approaches will be discussed in this order before drawing a reasonable conclusion.

On the one hand, nobody but a founder who is the actual owner of an enterprise knows its initial mission. Suffice it to remember Bill Gates who established Microsoft Company and continued to run it for a long period. His determinant decision to invest into development of personal computers back in 1980s brought the company abnormal profits. Furthermore, undergraduate IT-managers are taught to follow his example nowadays. Thus, it is evident that an employer is able to make accurate decisions and successfully lead a company.

On the other hand, a manager is someone who is specially educated to successfully lead a business. Universities worldwide on a yearly basis graduate specialists in marketing, logistics and decision-making. Being narrowly specialised in a certain domain of knowledge they undertake for their own part of the whole business to make it perfect. Thus, a company being led by professionals is to prosper. Therefore, it is understandable why this point of view is supported by many entrepreneurs.

In summary, we have analyzed both sides of the argument. It is suggested that managers who are professionals in their own field should operate branches as well as at the top levels of a company. I personally believe that appointments of managers to deal with company’s affairs will remain the trend for at least next several decades before artificial-intelligence machines become smart enough to be capable to take their job.

Total: 303

GT March 14
Students are learning a variety of subjects in schools. Some people think there is no need for that. Do you agree or disagree?

Schooling is an inherent part of students’ upbringing to turn them into the conscious members of a society. It is fairly believed that it is the school’s mission to mould children by teaching them the rudiments of sciences. It is hard to quarrel with the statement that schoolchildren should learn general subjects such as biology, geography, physics, etc. I am going to support this opinion by looking at how useful can be studying biology and how this approach may identify a student's educational abilities to a certain subject.

Firstly, studying many subjects is capable to broaden a child’s outlook. Although the trend is the growing popularity of computer science, few know that some of its methods come from biology. Thus, evolutionary computations borrowed much from the theory of the Charles Darwin’s biological evolution. Having a solid background in biology would contribute to students’ understanding the evolutionary algorithms. Therefore, it is evident that studying unnecessary at first sight subjects can come in handy to deeply comprehend the learning materials from other areas of knowledge.

Secondly, various subjects being learned at schools provide an ample choice for a pupil to identify the area in which he/she shows the most interest. For example, Albert Einstein, an outstanding scientist and a Nobel Prize Laureate in physics, took a great interest in mathematics while studying at a gymnasium. Fortunately, educators immediately detected his passion for exact sciences to advise and direct him to the appropriate university where he had a chance to delve into his favourite subjects further. Thus, providing a choice makes students aware of different branches of science and makes it possible to recognise their natural inclinations.

In summary, it has been shown that studying a variety of subjects is advantageous to students through broadening their outlooks and giving them the opportunity to select the future major. Thus, the arguments adduced above cannot allow us to accept the idea of beneficial role of studying only a limited number of subjects at schools.

Total: 329

Essays 9,10 are coming... I firstly need to go through the rest of the Ryan's lessons on YouTube.
Thank you for attention and suggestions in advance.
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Re: GT, essays 7-8. Band score 7+ needed!

Post by jesus »

Hello, Gelever brother !!

Well, you have strong vocabulary and essay is well structured.
I think its a good band essay.
However, i think i would alter somethings here in your first essay.

In this essay, the advantages to both approaches will be discussed in the following order before drawing a reasonable conclusion.

whereas others argue that a manager is resposible to take the control over a company.

what i am wondering is that your examples are prediction or really that is the fact ??
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Re: GT, essays 7-8. Band score 7+ needed!

Post by Gelever »

Hi, Jesus, bro!
Nice to hear from you!
Thank you for pointing at questionable pieces of my writing.
1. As for to change this order to -> the following order, well I adopted the whole sentence from the Ryan's video from here ... DDF7F19843
2. In this fragment '...a manager is (resposible) to take...' I tried to utilize a piece of grammar about be to +infinitive expression. Here is a link to the grammar: This says that the grammar can be used to refer to things that should be done:
Well, I still use this very carefully - I'm not sure if this is an academic style or just more a conversational approach.
Answering to your last question, in the essay 7, as you noticed, I really tried to add some predictions to my conclusion as the Ryan's tutorial suggest. I tried to make it as plausible as I could. The rest of examples are the truth - more or less)))) ;)
Thank you for the comment!
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Re: GT, essays 7-8. Band score 7+ needed!

Post by jesus »

Ok very well.There are many ways to get a thing done.

Because you are almost perfect on this writing section, lets move to listening.
Could you help me on this listening doubts??

Answer : Clubhouse ( but i wrote "Club house")

Will both answers be marked as correct ??
What do you think ??
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Re: GT, essays 7-8. Band score 7+ needed!

Post by Gelever »

Hi, jesus!
I saw the answer to this question somewhere on this forum, don't remember where exactly, but as far as I remember that does not matter - both answers would be correct.
As for Listening section, I've already done most of the official Cambridge tests. Here are some new ones from Cambridge IELTS 10. Someone shared the scanned Students' books there in comments to the videos, just try to find.
I'm hopeful that will help both of us to successfully pass the exam!
Good luck!
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