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Environmental problems and solution

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 4:41 am
by han4
Essay question:
Problems with environmental pollution have become so serious that many countries are trying to solve these problems.
Suggest possible solutions and give your own opinion.

My attempt:
Over the past few decades, many countries are facing with environmental problems. Many human activities such as deforestation or nuclear fallout have caused severe damages to the ecosystem. Some researcher had claimed that the earth will be likelihood in catastrophe in hundred years if these activities are still continuously operated. To tackle these problems, it is believed authority should impose stricter laws and encourage the use of Eco-friendly product.

Firstly, government need to pass on stricter laws on environment degradation activities, begin with increasing the penalty to those polluters and follow with persistent patrol. Due to poor regulator, many irresponsible companies have generated large profits to cover fines from their non-compliance operations; some may have even avoided penalties. This can be easily evident from poor developed countries such as Indonesia and Philippines, where numerous of timber corporation had benefited with plentiful earnings from their over logging activities. All of these activities had caused severe deforestation which had leads to an increase global warming across the world. This has clearly demonstrated the importance of implementing harsh penalties and constant patrol so that the authority can promptly prosecute defiler and cease them from destroying the environment.

Secondly, societies, companies and business owners should be encourage to use environmentally friendly products. Eco friendly products are biodegradable and do not cause any harm against the ecosystem. However, it is still common to find that certain individuals are still using chemical products as part of their practice considering that these products are the cheaper option. For instance, some farmers are still using chemical fertilizer instead of natural fertilizer. Using chemical products caused fatal pollution such as air pollution and water pollution. Therefore, encouraging the society and business owners to use environmental friendly product will help to reduce the damages to the mother earth.

As a conclusion, improving the ecosystems requires great deal of efforts as it provides a better living places and atmosphere for all living individuals to habitat. Thus, it is hoped that government can impose strict regulation as well as enforce the society to utilize Eco-friendly products with the aim of improving the current state of the environment.

I am trying to improve my writing skills, so will be greatly appreciated if someone can rate and correct my essay.

Re: Environmental problems and solution

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 11:21 am
by avijit_05
HI ,
I am also new to essay writing.
My few observation are below.

1.authority should impose --- authorities , should be pural in my view.
2.Due to poor regulator -- poor regulations
3.This can be easily evident -- this is evident.
4.deforestation which had leads to an increase -- has lead to . owners should be encourage--- should be encouraged.
6.environmentally friendly - environmental friendly.
7. Second para is easy to follow and ur point is well understood however in first para
main idea is getting lost. I am not sure how ur example relates to ur topic sentence.
meaning - how stricter rules help indonesia and philippens.

I have also posted on essay recently , appreciate if you and help me with correction
and evaluation.

Good Luck

Re: Environmental problems and solution

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 5:51 am
by Flick
han4 wrote:Essay question:
Problems with environmental pollution have become so serious that many countries are trying to solve these problems.
Suggest possible solutions and give your own opinion.

My attempt:
Increasingly, many countries are facing environmental problems. Many human activities such as deforestation or nuclear fallout have caused severe damage to the ecosystem. Some researchers have claimed that the earth will be facing major catastrophe within the next hundred years if these activities continue. To tackle these problems, it is believed authorities should impose stricter laws and encourage the use of Eco-friendly products.

Firstly, governments need to pass stricter laws on environment degradation activities, beginning with increasing the penalties faced by polluters and follow with consistent patrols. Due to poor regulations, many irresponsible companies have generated large profits to cover fines from their non-compliance operations; some may have even avoided penalties. This can be easily evident from poorly developed countries such as Indonesia and the Philippines, where numerous timber corporations have benefited with plentiful earnings from their over-logging activities. All of these activities have caused severe deforestation which has led to an increase in global warming across the world. This clearly demonstrates the importance of implementing harsh penalties and constant patrols so that the authorities can promptly prosecute defilers and stop them from destroying the environment.

Secondly, societies, companies and business owners should be encouraged to use environmentally friendly products. Eco friendly products are biodegradable and do not cause any harm to the ecosystem. However, it is common to find that certain individuals are still using chemical products as part of their practice considering that these products are the cheaper option. For instance, some farmers are still using chemical fertilizer instead of natural fertilizer. Using chemical products can cause fatal pollution such as air pollution and water pollution. Therefore, encouraging the society and business owners to use environmentally friendly products will help to reduce damage to mother earth.

In conclusion, improving the ecosystem requires great deal of effort as it provides a better living place and atmosphere for all living creatures. Thus, it is hoped that the government can impose strict regulation as well as encourage the society to utilize eco-friendly products with the aim of improving the current state of the environment.

Re: Environmental problems and solution

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:21 am
by Jackdorsey
Contamination is the presentation of contaminants into the environment that cause damage or distress to people or other living life forms, or that harm the earth" which can come "as synthetic substances, or vitality, for example, clamor, warmth or light". "Contamination can be actually happening substances or energies, however are considered contaminants when in overabundance of regular levels."