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Writing Task one - give your score (give the worst)

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 11:37 am
by abolik
Dear Sara,

I hope everything is fine on your end. As you may know I was planning to spend my summer vacation in Spain starting from the first of July. However, due to urgent work related matters I will shift it one more week starting from 7th to 30th of July.

Thanks for accepting to stay in my house during my absence. Once you arrive to my house you need to contact Mr. John who is the security manager of my compound. I will leave the keys with him.

Inside the house, please note that the heater switch which is located beside the bathroom door is not functioning so you need to keep the main heating switch on all the day. However, make sure to switch it off every night before you sleep.

In case you need to replace the gas cylinder you will find both the instructions and tools under the TV table. While everything else in the house should be working fine you can always contact my mobile number.

One important thing is to take care after my dog. Every morning you need to feed him from the food in the fridge. do not forget to spare 30 minutes everyday to walk with him around the near by park. at night make sure to close all doors including the basement door.
finally, send my best regards to your family and I really look forward to seeing you on my return.

Best regards,