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I just had my speaking test, cann't really tell how it went.

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 2:35 am
by Chi
So, I had the speaking test this morning. It felt extremely short and I think I gave some unintelligent answers. One of the questions at the beginning, the examiner asked where I am living at the moment. I answered that I am living in Melbourne and gave her the suburb as well. Is that the answer that the examiner would expect? - Is it a bit silly to say that you are living in Melbourne when you are taking the test in Melbourne?

I am a bit nervous now because I am not sure if my answers were long enough. Even though the examiner were quite responsive and I was spontaneous, answering without hesitation, I feel like I didn't elaborate enough.

Anyway, it is over...

Re: I just had my speaking test, cann't really tell how it w

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 2:55 am
by Larry
Don't worry, if the examiner asked where you are living at the moment, and you told her Melbourne and the suburb, that is a totally correct answer. It's not strange at all even though you are taking the test in Melbourne. ;)

Hope you get the score you are looking for!

Re: I just had my speaking test, cann't really tell how it w

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 4:02 am
by Chi
Thanks Larry. I hope it wasn't so bad.

The examiner also asked me to tell her one of the inventions in the recent years. I talked about the internet, without thinking it's been around for about 40 years. And she asked what else. I paused for a second, and told her that "The washing machine". I went on blabbing about how it saves me from doing all the washing by hands, without even realising that washing machines have been around for almost hundred years now. But it is true that when I was growing up, we didn't have a washing machine at home, and it was truly great when we had the first one.

Are you an English teacher? I saw that you gave a very detailed feedback to a speaking sample, and that's very nice of you.

Re: I just had my speaking test, cann't really tell how it w

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 1:09 pm
by Larry
Hi Chi, yep, I'm an English teacher. Currently teaching over in South Korea.

Don't worry about your speaking answer, the internet and even the washing machine could be considered recent inventions.

Besides, they are mostly looking for your English ability, not necessarily the answer to the question. I think it was clear that you understood the question so you should be okay as far as comprehension goes.
It might have been a problem if you said something like the wheel or pottery, but I think the internet and washing machine are fine.

Don't sweat it, the worst is over! Relax and enjoy the fact you finished it. Judging by the accuracy and natural use of language in your writing, I bet you did well! :D