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i need to help for speaking answer tham

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 3:56 pm
by ward

?What is your full name -

?Can you show me your ID -

?Where are you from -

?What do you like about your country -

?What problems have you got in your country - 
?How would you improve your country -

?Do you think reading is important and why - ?Do you like reading -
Cue Card
Talk about a historical place that you have visited in your country to learn about the past. Please say

?Where is this place -

?When did you go there -
?What did you learn about the past -

?What is your full name -

?Where are you from -

?What kind of sports did you play when you were a child - 
?Did you enjoy playing sports when you were a child - ?Would you like your children to play sports -

?When was the last time you have visited a museum -
?Do you think selling items in museums should be allowed -
Cue Card

Talk about an activity that you do to protect the environment, please say 
,what activity that is -

,how often you do it -

,who else does it with you -
.how it helps with protecting the environment -
8. ھﮪﮬﻫواﺍﯾﻳﮫﻪ

?What is your full name -

?What do you like the most about your hometown -

?What kind of food did you eat as a child -

?Do you think you will give your children same food and why - 
?Do agree that children can eat in restaurants sometimes - 
?What type of food do you eat theses days -
?What do you do in your free time -
Cue Card
Describe a toy you had in your childhood. Please say

?What was the toy -

?Who gave it to you -
?When and where did you play with it -

?Where are you from -

?What do you like about your hometown -

?Do you like animals -

?Do people in your country keep animals at home - 
?What is the weather usually like in your hometown - ?What did you do the last time the weather was good -
Cue Card
.Describe some good exercises for health that you would recommend to others 
Please say

?What are they -

?What equipment is needed to do them -
?Why would you recommend them to the other person -

?What is your name -

?Can I see your ID card -

?Where are you from -

?What is your hometown famous for -

?Have you read any articles about the history of your hometown - 
?Do you read books -

?What was your favorite book as a child -

?Do you have a favorite book now -
?Do you like to give books as a gift -
Cue card

Talk about one skill you have learned, like driving, cooking, etc. Please say 
?How have you learned it -

?Why have you learned this skill - 
?How difficult was this skill to learn - ?Why do you think it is useful -

?What is your full name -

?Where is your hometown -

?Would you suggest any changes in your hometown - 
?What kind of weather do you like -

?Do you like shopping in malls or markets -
?What kind of leisure time activities do you prefer -
Cue card
,(Talk about a piece of home equipment that you have (other than a computer 
please say

,what the equipment is -

,how you got it -
.what purpose you use if for -

?What is your name -

?Where are you from -

?Where is your hometown -

?Have you studied about the history of your hometown at school -

?(’What is your hometown famous for (or ‘what is special about your hometown - 
?What sport did you do when you were a child -

?Do you think your children should do sports - 
?Did you like museums as a child -
?Are there many museums in your country -
Cue card

Talk about a friend that you have known for a long time, please say 
?What did you like about her/him when you first met -

?Are you in contact with him/her now -
?Why did this friendship become a long one -

?What is your full name -

?Are you working or studying -

?What job do you have -
?Is it easy to get a job like yours in your country -
Cue card

Describe a gift that you had given to someone, please say - 
,What gift it was -

,What the occasion was -

.Why you have chosen this gift -
?Do you think the gift made him/her happy -

?Do you work or study -

?What subject are you studying -

?Why do you think people choose such a subject in your country - 
?Do you like reading books -

?What type of books do you read -

?Are you reading a book presently -
?Would you like to write a book in the future -
Cue Card
.Describe a situation when something in your house broke or stopped working 
Please say

?What was it -

?What happened when it broke/stopped working -
?How did you feel about it -

?Could you please tell me your name - 
?How shall I call you -

?Where are you from -

?Do you study or work -

?What do you study -

?What do you like the most about the subject you study - 
?Do you like reading -

?What type of books do you read -

?Do you think children should read -

?Let’s talk about cell phones. Do you have one -

?Do you remember when you first got a cell phone - 
?What is it you like the most about your cell phone -
?Do you think using a cell phone has disadvantages -
Cue card

Tell me about a friend whom you helped, please say 
,Who he/she was -

,What kind of help you’ve offered -

,Why you’ve decided to help to this person -
.Whether you think it is important to help other people -

?What’s your name -

?Do you work / study -

?Do you have time to relax -

?When and how do you relax -

?How is relaxing different for men and women -

?What food did you like when you were a child -

?Do you still like it -

?What food do you recommend to your children -
?How do you feel about going with children to restaurants sometimes -
Cue Card

Describe a job that you applied for recently, please say 
?What type of job was it -

?How did you find out about it -

?Would you take the job, if you were accepted - .Explain why you were interested in that job -

?What is your full name -

?What do you want me to call you -

?Do you work or study -

?Do you enjoy going to the beach -

?Would you like to live near the sea -
?Who do you think lives close to the sea in your country -
Cue Card
:Talk about a job that you would like to try, please say

,what the job is -

what skills are necessary to do that job and - .explain why you want to work in that job -

?What is your name -

?Can I see your ID -

?What type of food did you eat when you were young - 
?too ,Will you give this type of food to your children - 
?Do you like domestic animals -

?What type of animals do you like -

.Name the type of animal you can keep at home in your country - 
?Do you like wild animals -

?Do you think people should kill animals -
?Do you think zoos should be allowed -
Cue Card
Talk about a wild animal that you like best, please say

,what animal that is - 
,where you saw it - .what it does -

?What is your full name -

?Where are you from -

?Do you study or work -

?What is your job like -

?Do you have free time -

?What type of clothes do you usually wear -

?Where do you usually buy your clothes -

?Do you think you will still wear the same clothes when you get older - 
?Do you like animals -

?What are the common animals in your country - 
?What sports do you play -
?What is the most popular sport in your country -
Cue Card

Talk about a childhood hobby of yours, please say 
,what hobby it was -

,how you developed this hobby -

,why you liked doing this -
.how you enjoyed this hobby when you were a child -

?Where is your hometown -

?What do you think your hometown is famous for -

?Did you learn about your hometown’s history in school -

?Do you think that people learn history in school -
When was the last time you went to a place where people go to dance in your - 

?Do you like dancing -

?Have you ever learned dancing -

?Why do you think people love to dance -

?How many languages do you speak -

?What languages do you want to study in the future - ?Why do you want to study a foreign language -
Cue Card
.Describe the last time when you were last late for an important appointment 
Please say

?When did it happen -

?What was the meeting for -

?Why were you late - Explain the results of -

?What is your full name -

?Can I see your ID please -

?What are you doing, working or studying - 
?Have you completed your studies -
?What kind of job would you prefer in the future -

?Let’s talk about shopping. Do you like shopping -

?Do you like shopping in big shopping centres -

?Which day of the week do you prefer to shop on and why - ?When was the last time you went shopping -
Cue Card

:Talk about the last film you saw, please say 
?where did you watch it -

?what did you like about it -

?what did you dislike about the film -
?why did you choose to watch that film -