Ryan wrote:Hi Luma7,
Congratulations! That is quite the jump in your writing band (6 to 7.5)! It looks as though your reading and speaking marks also experienced growth. How were you preparing for these sections? Are you planning to take the exam again or is this the grade you need?
Thanks Ryan
I believe you know exactly how to explain what students should do in ielts.
For reading, i didn't prepare because i need 7 and i got it in 2012 and after that it fluctuated between 7 and 7.5
( my advice is to read questions first )
For speaking,
I used ieltsspeaking.co.uk, it is like a subscription for 3 months or more. 10 units course with a lot of practice and helpful notes. And there is also free vocabulary lessons.
On my test day, i was more confident and tried my best to talk as if i was talking to a friend.
Yes i was really happy about my writing score because i got 6 for about 5 times. I was sure that my writing is definitely better than what it was in 2012! I sent many essays to be checked by an ex examiner-ieltsanswers- and was told i should get 7.
When i saw your videos and the way you illustrate the structure of essays. I knew what was missing.
For example, body paragraphs, were missing concluding sentences, and the examples were too general.
In my last test: -
1- ( for the first time i started with task 2 first and took extra 3 mins from task1 then moved to task1 and i was lucky it was straight forward table ) it was much better to do that.
2- in the introduction, i followed your way, and mentioned briefly what i'm goint to talk about in each body paragraph.
3- in body paragraphs, clear topic sentence followed by specific example and then i tried to discuss that example and made it relevant to the main idea. Finished each paragraph with concluding sentence.
4- summaried my essay in the conclusion.
5- i tried to avoid writing too many linking words and memorised phrases.
6- more hedging was used
No more ielts

i need 7 and i got more thanks god.
Thanks again Ryan for your amazing helpful website.