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Academic Task 2, feedback and estimated band score please

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 3:15 pm
by Matilda
In many countries children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this as completely wrong, while others consider it as valuable working experience, important for learning and taking responsibility. What is your opinion on this?

In the twentieth century, an escalating number of children is found in the global workforce. While many believe that it is unacceptable for the society to allow this happens, others think that it is beneficial for the teenagers to gain invaluable training and work exposure. In my opinion, the right of children to engage in the paid work should not be deterred because of the following reasons.

Firstly, children can pursue hands-on work experience and training only when they are employed in the real world. In other words, communication and interpersonal skills can be acquired through day-to-day contact with their customers and colleagues. Take junior cashiers at McDonald as an example. They have a chance to learn how to use point-of-sale system, cash handling and customer service. Thus, it can be said that early-aged work experiences for them are vital for their future as these cannot be pursued through their formal study in classes.

Secondly, teenagers who are earning money with their own capabilities are found to be more matured and responsible person than the ones who are not. They get better understanding of the value of money and become more considerate in how the money should be well spent. For example, when they need to buy an electronic dictionary for their study, they save money gradually and buy it on their own. Therefore, it is undeniable that the workplace is something which can positively change the young people’s way of thinking.

To summarize, it is not reasonable to prohibit children from working during their free times. Since it can not only provide them with an opportunity to build some essential skills needed in today’s businesses but also encourage them to develop their mind sets.

Word Count : 285