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Kindly evaluate my essay (Targeting for 7 )!!

Posted: Sat May 09, 2015 5:07 am
by Anupamaa
Q : People do not need to learn different foreign languages whatsoever and computers can be used to translate the languages for them. To what extent do you agree with this??

In this age of globalization, people travel a lot for different reasons like further education, better job prospect, for trade or business expansion and so on. In such a scenario, it is expected that people be multilingual. If not so, computers can solve the problem up to some extent by translating the languages.

With the advent technology, it is very easy nowadays to translate languages using computer softwares, which can help a person avoid any interpreter for a number of purposes. One can easily use a foreign language to correspond even without having sound knowledge of it. Moreover, it is very much possible to carry a computer wherever you go, hence more convenience.

On the other hand, when one goes to a foreign country, it is always good to know the language used there, as with computers, correspondence is possible, but face-to-face communication skill is quite impossible. Moreover, it would be difficult to make friends and adjust with the surroundings and culture without knowing that language. When one goes abroad for business purpose, knowing the local language is an added advantage. When one stays in a foreign country, he needs to indulge in many small and big dealings at every step, as in shopping, asking for assistance or help from someone, where communicating in the local language becomes essential.

According to me, learning foreign language is better if one does not want to restrict his opportunities. Using a foreign language when needed definitely increases one's confidence and improves his overall personality and performance. But, of course, computers can always be a support if one gets stuck anywhere with the usage of a foreign language.

Re: Kindly evaluate my essay (Targeting for 7 )!!

Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 1:01 am
by Dr.Matthew
My first question is this: where did this topic come from???? It's an odd one as the crux of the issue is buried and confusing. So, PLEASE, be careful with expending time/effort on 'weird' questions....maybe it is a 'genuine' IELTS question/topic from a past test...but, I'd be very surprised if it is :)

Q : People do not need to learn different foreign languages whatsoever and computers can be used to translate the languages for them. To what extent do you agree with this??

In this age of globalization, people travel a lot for different reasons like further education, better job prospect[s], for trade or business expansion and so on. In such a scenario, it is expected that people be multilingual. If not so, computers can solve the problem [delete: up] to some extent by translating the languages.
yes a good introduction apart from the same old, same old tired word choices such as like/a lot of/people etc etc
With the advent [insert: of]technology, it is very easy nowadays to translate languages using computer software[delete: s], which can help a person avoid any interpreter for a number of purposes. One can easily use a foreign language to correspond even without having sound knowledge of it. Moreover, it is very much possible to carry a computer wherever you go, hence more convenience.
again, a reasonably good body paragraph...some improvement in your expression required]
On the other hand, when one goes to a foreign country, it is always good to know the language used there, as with computers, correspondence is possible, but face-to-face communication skill is quite impossible.
a LONG topic sentence...probably best broken into two...also, ALWAYS be cautious when using such BIG 100% certainty words such as always/never/impossible/every
Moreover, it would be difficult to make friends and adjust with the surroundings and culture without knowing that language. When one goes abroad for business purpose[s], knowing the local language is an added advantage
very nice phrasing here
. When one stays in a foreign country, he
do ONLY males travel abroad for business?
needs to indulge
perhaps 'engage' is a better verb choice?
in many small and big dealings at every step, as in shopping, asking for assistance or help from someone, where communicating in the local language becomes essential.

According to me, learning [a] foreign language is better if one does not want to restrict his [one's] opportunities. Using a foreign language when needed definitely increases one's confidence and improves his overall personality and performance. But, of course, computers can always be a support if one gets stuck anywhere with the usage of a foreign language.

Yes, some very appealing attributes in your writing and the development of your ideas. I'd grade this attempt at a 7 BUT I am feeling VERY 'generous' today (!!!). A less generous soul might grade you @ 6.5 even 6 though as there are a number of basic errors that suggest you are not quite yet confident overall in your written English expression.

Re: Kindly evaluate my essay (Targeting for 7 )!!

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 6:46 am
by gautamk
instead of in the age of globalisatio////