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Task 2 - Can I get a band 6.5?

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 1:40 pm
by guilhermebianchi
As the number of private cars has increased, so too has the level of pollution in many cities. What can be done to tackle this increasingly common problem?
Write at least 250 words.

In recent decades, the amount of people that have their own cars has raised significantly. Consequently, the levels of pollution are also in a constant increasing nowadays. In this present essay, I will try to point out to possible solutions and political measures to avoid this issue through the defense of public investments in ecological transportation and taxes to vehicles with high levels of pollution.

Firstly, the main social measure to help society to control the levels of pollution is the investment in alternatives ways of public and collective transportation, such as bicycles, subways and trains. The rates of pollutions caused by them are expressively smaller than the rates caused by cars. In the particular case of bicycles, the role of governments should be mostly the guarantee of safety public lines around the cities which today are almost planned for cars and buses in its entirety.

Additionally, another action that could be taken by political authorities is the increasing of taxes to cars’ owners regarding the levels of pollution produced by their vehicles. This action could raise awareness to the problem of pollution in modern cities. Besides that, the public investment in more ecological types of fuel like ethanol should be a major concern for governments worried with the future environment issues.

To conclude, there are multiple kinds of actions that governments and society can take to improve the quality of life in big cities. Besides the fact that pollution air is bad to nature and environment, we should also take attention to the fact that pollution also leads to several health problems. In order to conceive a better future for society, civil society and governments have to work together to avoid the increasing of pollution.

Re: Task 2 - Can I get a band 6.5?

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:37 pm
by OnlineEnglishTeacher
The vocabulary was quite nice, although quite a lot of grammar errors.This may get about 6 approximately, depending on the examiner.

In recent decades, the amount of people that have their own cars has ("risen") raised significantly. Consequently, the levels of pollution are also in a constant ("constantly") increasing nowadays. In this (no "present") present essay, I will try to point out (no "to") to possible solutions and political measures to avoid this issue(",") through the defense of public investments in ecological transportation and taxes to vehicles with high levels of pollution.

Firstly, the main social measure to help society to control the levels of pollution is the investment in ("alternative") alternatives ways of public and collective transportation, such as bicycles, subways and trains. The rates of ("pollution") pollutions caused by them are (?)expressively smaller than the rates caused by cars. In the particular case of bicycles, the role of governments should be mostly the guarantee of ("safe") safety public lines around the cities which today are almost planned for cars and buses in ("their") its entirety.

Additionally, another action that could be taken by political authorities is the increasing of taxes ("for car owners,") to cars’ owners regarding the levels of pollution produced by their vehicles. This action could raise awareness to the problem of pollution in modern cities. Besides that, the public investment in more ecological types of fuel like ethanol(",") should be a major concern for governments worried with the future environment issues.

To conclude, there are multiple kinds of actions that governments and society can take to improve the quality of life in big cities. Besides the fact that ("polluted") pollution air is bad ("for") to nature and ("the") environment, we should also ("pay") take attention to the fact that pollution also leads to several health problems. In order to ("produce") conceive a better future for society, civil society and governments have to work together to avoid the increasing of pollution.

Re: Task 2 - Can I get a band 6.5?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 12:29 pm
by guilhermebianchi
Thank you very much for the attention!!

Re: Task 2 - Can I get a band 6.5?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 8:06 pm
by ahsankhan86
The overall essay is good but you need to organize the essay so that reader can easily follow you.In addition you should try to work on punctuation as well.

Re: Task 2 - Can I get a band 6.5?

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 12:03 pm
by soweczka
maybe some practise and will be great