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Please evaluate my writing. 4th Essay

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 10:41 am
by Prams
The internet allows us to stay connected with each other no matter where we are. On the other hand, it also isolates us and encourages people not to socialize.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with these statements?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.


During the last two decade internet has made a huge advancement. This is very apparent when we look at the medium of communication of the recent past. Some people believe that this advancement has opened up avenues for socialization. While others argue that due to the progress of the internet, individuals are becoming more self-centric. While, I personally believe that, the progress of the internet has made the earth a small place to live in and hence, it has catalyzed the socialization.

Firstly, due to the huge progress in technology along with the internet, we are never away from our loved ones. Just by a mere click of a button, we can connect with any person, living in any corner of the world. For instance, using the internet we can make a Skype call to any individual whom we wish to connect. All we need is just an internet access. By using this "Skype", not only can we speak to that person, but also we can see him/her. Thus, with the internet the world seems a smaller place.

Moreover, social networking sites are mushrooming on the internet. These sites are just meant for the purpose of socialization. Take "Facebook" for example, where not only we can be in touch with our friends, but also we can share our day-to-day activity with our acquaintances. Hence, these “social networking sites” are one of the greatest mediums of connectivity and never isolate us from the rest of the world.

After analyzing the above points, we can safely conclude that, if utilized well, the internet helps us in socializing. Also, it provides us a great platform for being in touch with our loved ones. Looking at the positive impacts of the internet, it is also expected that, in the coming future its popularity will grow exponentially and more people will start using it as their primary medium of connectivity.
