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Please rate this writing essay 2

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 4:49 pm
by ansh3091
Question: The state of the environment is now a cause for concern in all countries across the world. Apart from government measures and policies what can individuals do on a personnel level to combat the negative effects that our life styles have on the environment

Environment is deteriorating at an alarming rate nowadays. Everyone is familiar with this condition, from those sitting in
the upper echelons of governments to layman. Although, governments are imposing strict rules and regulation, it is also the duty
of every individual to conserve our blue planet. This essay describes some modifications that can be incorporated in contemporary life styles of people in order to protect the environment.

Firstly, It is globally recognized that pollution is a humongous threat to our environment. This is the appropriate time to address the problem of pollution, otherwise, the upcoming generation will face dire consequences. An appropriate solution to this dangerous problem would be promoting the use of public transport. For instance, most of the employees prefer to travel by privately owned transport such as cars to their work places, let us say 50 cars from a residential area of a typical city. Also, the seating capacity of a bus is about 45-50 seats per bus. Therefore, if 50 car users shift towards bus than there will be 50 less cars and hence reduction in pollution. If this change in life style is adopted globally there will be significant fall in pollution levels.

Wastage of natural resources most importantly water, in addition to pollution, is another serious issue. It is believed that the depleting rate of water might engender next world war. Thus, its conservation is must and can be achieved by implementing some measures. By establishment of systems such as rain water harvesting system in houses, gallons of water could be restored during rainy season. In addition, wastage of water could be reduced by adopting automatic supply cut systems in bathrooms and wash basins.

To summarize, the daily life style of people do jeopardize the environment. However, by embracing certain measures in life styles, problems like pollution and wastage of water which directly affects the environment can be solved. Thus, saving environment should be the first priority of each and every individual.
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