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Please help me correcting my essay.

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 12:55 pm
by Ranjijm
1) There is repercussion among language learners, to become fluent in the language they learn, whether they should practice speaking and writing in appropriately.

As we have heard that practice makes perfect, to success in any language, the users need to speak and write any language in practical situations and it will help them to be fluent in that language.
Firstly, speaking and writing are the most important parts of speech in any language, therefore we must learn and practice them properly. For example, if we can express our ideas well and literate well then we can be fluent in that language. As an example, when I was back in my country, I used to use my vernacular language though I had been learning English for years. As a result of studying in a university in Australia specially in a foreign language like English, personally I know that my English ability, specially speaking and writing are improved because I am using it more frequently than when I was back in my country.
Secondly, when we use them in real situations then at least we know where to use and what to use and later on this would become a habitual action. For instance, when we use English language to write our assignments, we can check them through expertise and before the submission we would be able to find mistakes and re-correction. Further, when our wrong patterns of speaking and wrong spellings are corrected, then we would not repeat them anymore and our shyness would disappear.
Lastly, we can memorise speaking patterns and spellings of a language, though if we do not use them in the right time we will forget them easily. For example most grammar patterns in English are easily forgettable, therefore it needs a better practice in order to keep those difficult patterns remember. The more learners speak and write the quicker they improve the language.
Further the other parts of a language such as, reading and listening are not enough to be fluent in that language as we need a source of expression in order to see our strength in the language.
To sum up, I completely agree with that learners need to practice speaking and writing of a language in daily chores in order to become fluent in that particular language.

Re: Please help me correcting my essay.

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 4:31 pm
by ansh3091
Hi Ranjijm,

I am not an expert, but based on my knowledge and experience I would like to suggest some points. It was a very good try.
You have supported your arguments with good examples. However, I believe, in the second paragraph one example is sufficient. Of course it should be lucid and appropriate. Some complex sentences are difficult to understand. Although my grammar is not that much good, but I can notice some mistakes. Thus, you have to work on that too.
Friend, these are my suggestions, feel free to disregard them.
Al the best!!!

Anshuman Sharma