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Which is best online essay marking service?

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 7:23 am
by terry3218
which is a good and economical online essay marking serivces, I've come across and ieltswriting task dotnet , the former cahrges $22 for marking 8 essays and has a very professional look to their website and the latter just charges aroung $2 per essay but their website doesnt have much information. Does anyone of you had any experience with these or similar websites?

Re: Which is best online essay marking service?

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 12:01 am
by OnlineEnglishTeacher
terry3218 wrote:which is a good and economical online essay marking serivces, I've come across and ieltswriting task dotnet , the former cahrges $22 for marking 8 essays and has a very professional look to their website and the latter just charges aroung $2 per essay but their website doesnt have much information. Does anyone of you had any experience with these or similar websites?
If you have any doubt, maybe you could try and pay for one correction or a demo and then ask a different native IELTS teacher to review the corrections to check the quality, so long as you can be sure that the same corrector will be correcting the writing in future - Ryan has a correcting service as I remember and also so do I (see my signature), but more than these prices, most likely.