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Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 5:22 am
by Bekhruz
N2 These days more fathers stay at home and take care of their children while mothers go out to work. What could be the reasons for this? Do you think it is a positive or a negative development?
Today,a new society which is growing social famnism trend.where a female partner is taking responsible work than a household job.Men are supporting family by helping them in parenting and doing the household jobs .I feel this trend can make benefits on both family and their children.
Many jobs and academic instituations are leading by women .Firstly but the most importantly,
Women are becoming successful in these jobs and academic areas, making their the male partner as housemaker.Futhermore,nowadays many companies are offered the job prospect and the gender equality which means higher salaries as compared to men.Moreover,due to high rate of unemployment,this trend developing better and better year by year .Thus women are enjoying from equal rights ,housekeeping remained in male-dominated . Besides,it is understable that disability of men is another point related to this topic .men has no other choice rather staying at home and taking care their house .

There are many benfits for children as they can learn many handy skills .Actually , useful the tasks in household such as repairing equipments ,gardening,decorating are mainly undertaken by men.Therefore,rearing child with father can be beneficial for their child’s development in future .In many countries ,parents will force their children to attend such certain courses and tutorials that boosts children ability of proficiency.
However,women care are always invaluable for their children .In addition to this,Women have already been expert in terms of cooking and washing .but I believe that men can handle this types of things by timepassing .

In conclusion, there might several drawbecks of upbringing children for their fathers .If we think economically this trend have some positive effects for family and their children in some extent.
Thank you