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28th March Academic

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 8:02 pm
by kikimorisko
Is anyone taking the IELTS ACADEMIC on 28th March? I am GMT +1 central european time I am . new in this website. Do you think there will be the same topics as it was previously? Thanks a lot,

Re: 28th March Academic

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 2:11 am
by patarcher0328
I am also taking IELTS exam this March 28 GMT +8. If you can help me, I am really having hard time to get a bandscore of seven in writing. Its my fourth time to take the IELTS if you could just post your writing tasks here after your exam or you can send me an email, it would really help me. Thank you guys!

Heres my e-mail

Re: 28th March Academic

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:31 am
by kikimorisko
Hey:) I woud post it earlier but as I am the later zone , I dont think I cand send it to you. You live in future +8 hours:))

please anyone who can share the writing topics. I am really poor at making essays. Is any chance if somebody can post it on website that day?

my email:

Thanks a lot , guys! We cant let the british council to win :)))

Re: 28th March Academic

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 9:00 pm
by Pushback
Im schedule march 26 for speaking i will post the question aftr

Re: 28th March Academic

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2015 2:26 am
by Roshani
Hi everyone, Plz share your writing topic on 28 MAR on here..or
my ID , I'm in GMT +5.30, i'll post mine after finish.
all the best for everyone