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Academic Writing Task 1 - TV & Radio audience

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 6:41 am
by rawrrawr
The graph demonstrates the percentage of radio and television audiences in a day in year 1992.

As shown, the trend for television audiences fluctuated as compares to radio audiences. At 8.00am, television audience accounted approximately 8%. It was then followed by a slight decrease to 5% at 11am. However, the viewers managed to rise up gradually to about 15% at 2pm. The audience for television increased significantly from 15% to 45% at 8pm and that was the peak for television audience throughout the day.

As for radio audiences, it secured 8% of the population at 6am, Furthermore, it climbed up to 28% at 8am. However, the radio audiences decreased significantly from 8am to 4pm. Despite a minimal increase at 5pm, the audiences for radio station dropped gradually where it corresponds with the number of television audiences at 3pm at 3%.

Overall, television was more popular than radio among the people in United Kingdom in 1992.