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Writing Task 2 - Academic (Noise)

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 3:52 am
by rawrrawr
Some people say that noise made by people should be strictly controlled while others say they should be free to make noise without limitation. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

It has always been a constant debate whether sound produced by people should be limited or be given the liberty without any restrictions. Although noises produced might trigger the creativity of an individual, i believe that, to a certain extent, it needs to be restrained as the excessive of sound producing would leave a detrimental effect on human’s health.

Firstly, when noises are made in a relatively high volume on a constant basis, it would eventually lead to stress, agitation and annoyance to a person. In this case, she or he might not have sufficient or adequate time to relax to free her/his mind. This results to a probable health effects like hearing impairment, sleep disturbance, hypertension and etc. This can be further supported when I personally suffered sleep disturbance during my college time, where my dormitory neighbour constantly blasted her music out loud even during sleeping hours.

Yet, some people believe that by allowing an individual to make noise freely actually helps to stimulate creativity in their area of work. This has been widely discussed especially directing to the people that involve in entertainment industry. Furthermore, there is also an article on songwriting process published in BBC, whereby some of the songwriters agree that they often get inspirations for new songs from loud jamming session that they take part in.

In conclusion, even though making noises without limitation is beneficial to certain individuals, the volume of the sound making should also be monitored and controlled to create a harmonise and peaceful environment for everyone. In long term perspective, it also teaches people to be more considerate for others.

Re: Writing Task 2 - Academic (Noise)

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 8:28 pm
by Flick
rawrrawr wrote:Some people say that noise made by people should be strictly controlled while others say they should be free to make noise without limitation. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

It has always been a constant debate whether sound produced by people should be limited or given liberty without any restrictions. Although noises produced might trigger the creativity of an individual, I believe that, to a certain extent, it needs to be restrained as excessive sound producing could have a detrimental effect on human health.

Firstly, when noises are made in a relatively high volume on a constant basis, it can eventually lead to stress, agitation and annoyance in a person. In this case, she or he might not have sufficient or adequate time to relax to free her/his mind. This results in probable health effects like hearing impairment, sleep disturbance, hypertension and more. I personally suffered sleep disturbance during my college time, where my dormitory neighbour constantly blasted her music loudly, even during sleeping hours.

Yet, some people believe that allowing an individual to make noise freely actually helps to stimulate creativity in their area of work. This has been widely discussed, especially regarding people involved in the entertainment industry. Furthermore, there was an article on the songwriting process published on the BBC, whereby some of the songwriters agree that they often get inspiration for new songs from loud jamming sessions that they take part in.

In conclusion, even though making noises without limitation is beneficial to certain individuals, the volume of the sound making should be monitored and controlled to create a harmonised and peaceful environment for everyone. In the long term, this will teache people to be more considerate of others.